Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1036

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XCII INOEX lV~ J)eprtmeal-Continued. rOlfe Appropriation for-Continued. ()rgaDized RceerveB__ ______________ 463 Panama CanaL______ ______ ______ IH9 Printing and binding_________ . _ _ __ _ 444 Quartermaster Corps_ _ __ ___ ____ 448, 515 Barraeks, quariel"ll, etc_______ . . __ _ 453 Cemeterlal expe~ ________ . __ _ _ 515 Horae&, draft, and pack animals_ __ 451 Hospitals, construction and repair_ 454 Incidental expell8e8_________ . ___ . 450 Land, acquisition oL __ . _.... ___ _ 452 Military posts, construction __ . _ 452 Subslztence of the Army _____ . 448 Supplies, regul..r ___ __ . 449 Transportation_________________ . 451 Reserve Officers' Training Corps___ __ 465 Schools and colleges, equipment for _________________ . _. __. 466 Training camps, maintenancc, ete_ _ 466 Salerics____ .. _. _________ . ______ . 442 Secretary, Office oL _. __ _ _ __ _ . __.._ 443 Army Medical Museum ___ . ______ 444 Contingent expenscs____ .. _.. ____ . 443 Library, Surgeon General's office_ _ 444 Printing and binding_______ .. . t44 Signal Corps______________ . __ 454, 515, A1sska Communication System_ _ _ 515 Soldiers' Bome, Unit<td States______ &19 Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims__ _________ 17, 237, 779, 7S2 Automobiles, credits for shipments of_________________________ . _ 238 Chief of Stall, Office oL_______ _____ 231 Damage clsim8_________ . ___ __ 15, 232 , 776 Disbursing offiea1'8, credits for ship- ments of automobileB_ _ ________ 238 Engineers,CorpsoL____ . ________ 232,775 Flood control, Mississippi River, etc ___ .•. _. ______ ._______ 232 Flushing Bay, N. Y ., improve- ment ______ . ____ . __________ 775 Indian River Inlet and Bay, Del., improvement_____ .. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ 775 River and barbor work __ . ____ ____ 775 Damageclsim8__ .•• _...•..•• _ 232 Finance Department•• __ .. . _. _.... . 232 Judgments__________ . 15,16 ,233 ,234,777 Private property darn&llcs, military personneL_._...... 238 Quartermaster Corps___ . _. _.... _. . 15 Regulsr 8upplies olthe Army .. __ . 15 llet,-ret&ry,OfficeoL ... __ . _ _ _ ... _ _ _ 15 Collision damage cleima______ . _ _ _ 15 Aerial photograpbs for mapping proj- ects, fumi.ahing of, on request of Secretary of the Interior____ . _ _ _ .. 599 Air Corps Technical School, establish- ment of branch at Dcnver, Colo_ __ 862 War Department-Continued. Arms, ete. , for protection of public property, Izsue of, authorized at request of heads of departments, ete________ . _.. __ .. ____ . _____ .. Articles of War 50~ and 70, amended_. Courts martial- Investigation!xorore triaL ___ .. _.. Review provisioM modified_ .. . __ _ Bonneville dam project, construction, et~., faciliU ..s for power genera- tion by....•. . _. _.. . _•.... _. Boy Scouts of America- l,oan of Army equipment to, for use at World Jamboree Obsolete, (ltc., material, oisposal to National Council of _ . _ .. . _.. __ Breckinrioge County, Ky., conveyance ofcertainlendtoStaw. ___ _ Butter substitutes, restriction on usc __ . Camp Joseph T. Robiuson, dcsignation oC CampPikechanged to. ____ ._. Camp Pike, designation changed to Camp Joseph T. Robinson. __ . _. __ Camp Stanley, Tex., improvement of ammunition storage facilities au- thorized__ ........... . Appropriation for _ .• . . __ ....... _ Celltral Valley project, CaliC. , juris· diction transferred to Departmun~ of the Interior. _.... __ .. __ .... _. Citizenship requirements_ ... _.... ___ _ Construction, restriction on____ ... _.• . Courts martial; investigation before trial; review provisions modified.. Crissy Field, Calif., r estriction on use of fun<is for expenses incident to use oL___ . ___ ......... _.. __ Dependents, transportation of, on change of station..... _. ___ ... __ . Deteriorated expl09ives, transfer to Departmeut of Agriculture for agri- cultural purposes, provisions re- pealed_ . __ _ "" _.._..-.-.__-.. ),;asUlide, Oreg~ construction of dam, etc. authorized at; apl'roval of plans... Hood cODtrol, acceptance of loes1 con- tri.!.>utions.. __ .. _.•. ___ . - .. _... .'Iood Control Act of 1936, Amend· ments ... _•. . .. Fort!\Iyer Military Rcsen'alion, Va., coDveyancc of portion to State for highway purposes _. __ ... . - . ... Fort Niagara Military Reservation, N. Y"lease of portion to Old ]o'ort Niagara Association, authorized Fort Reno Quartermaster Military Res- ervation, Okle., portion tra"sferred as site of Southwestern Refonna· tor~· 63 724 72-1 724 731 Hi7 638 449 Kfi2 'lG2 166 452 724 456 94 856 518 876 203 200