Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/168

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 1 80-M AY 14, 19 37 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Salaries : Comptroller of the Currency and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $204,300 . For personal services in the District of Columbia in connection with carrying out the provisions of the Emergency Banking Act, approved March 9, 1933 (48 Stat. 1), $55,300. For personal services in the District of Columbia in connection with Federal Reserve and national currency, $16,380, to be reim- bursed by the Federal Reserve and national banks . BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Sal aries and expe nses : For sala ries and e xpen ses i n con necti on wi th the asses sment and co llecti on of interna l-reve nue ta xes an d the administration of the internal-revenue laws, including the adminis- tration of such provisions of other laws as are authorized by or pur- suant to law to be administered by or under the direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue ; including the Commissioner of I nter nal Reve nue , As sist ant Gene ral Cou nsel for the Bu reau of In ternal Reven ue, an assis tant t o the Commiss ioner, a spe cial d eputy commissioner, four deputy commissioners, one stamp agent (to be reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers), and the necessary officers, collectors, deputy collectors, attorneys, experts, agents, accountants, inspectors, investigators, chemists, supervisors, storekeeper-gaugers, guards, clerks, janitors, and messengers in the District of Columbia, th e seve ral co llecti on dis tricts , the several divis ions o f inte rnal- revenue agents and the several supervisory districts, to be appointed as provided by law ; the securing of evidence of violations of the Acts, the cost of chemical analyses made by others than employees of the Uni ted St ates a nd exp enses incide nt to s uch ch emists testi fy- ing when necessary ; telegraph and telephone service, rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, postage, freight, express, neces- sary expenses incurred in making investigations in connection with the enrollment or disbarment of practitioners before the Treasury Department in internal-revenue matters, expenses of seizure and sale, and other necessary miscellaneous expenses, including steno- graphic reporting services ; for the acquisition of property under the provisions of Title III of the Liquor Law Repeal and Enforcement Act, approved August 27, 1935 (49 Stat . 872-881), and the operation, maintenance, and repair of property acquired under such title III ; for the excha nge, h ire, m ainten ance, repair, and o perati on of motor- prope lled or ho rse- drawn pass enge r-car rying vehi cles when nece s- sary, for official use of the Alcohol Tax Unit in field work ; and the purchas e of s uch su pplies , equi pment, furnit ure, m echani cal de vices, laboratory supplies, law books and books of reference, and such other articles as may be necessary for use in the District of Colum- bia, the several collection districts, the several divisions of internal- revenue agents, and the several supervisory districts, $58 ,240 ,520 , of which amount not to exceed $11,678,160 may be expended for per- sonal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, That no part of this amount shall be used in defraying the expenses of any officer designated above, subpenaed by the United States court to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, w hich expenses shall be paid from the appropriation for "Fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts" : Provided further, That not more than $100, 000 o f the tot al am ount appr opria ted h erein may be e xpend ed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for detecting and bringing to trial persons guilty of violating the internal-revenue laws or 143 Comptroller's office . Salaries . Personal services, Emergency Banking Act . 48 Stat.1. Personal services, reimbursable . Internal Rev enu e Bureau . Sa lar ies and ex- pens es. Co mmi ssi one r, As- sistant General Coun- sel, and other personal services . Securing evidence of violations . Miscellaneous ex- pen ses . Acq uisiti on of p rop- erty' 49 Stat . 879. 40U.S.C., Supp.II, §304h. Vehicles. Services in the Dis- trict . Prori.see . Ex penses of off icers attending trials, etc. Post, p. 278. Detection and pros- ecution of violations.