Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/230

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 261, 262-MAY 25, 1937

205 United States . The Director of the Census shall furnish to the Department . state State Department, immediately after the publication of each report of that Bureau regarding red-cedar shingles, the complete available statistics hereinbeforee mentioned . SEC . 3 . That the informati on furnished b y any individ ual estab- Use of information. lishment under the provisions of this Act shall be considered as strictl y confi dential and s hall be used o nly fo r the s tatisti cal pu rpose for which it is supplied . Any employee of the Bureau of the Census Penalty provision . who, without the written authority of the Director o f the Census, shall publish or communicate any information given into his posses- sion by reas on of his emp loyment under the provision s of this Act shal l be gui lty of a mis deme anor and sha ll, upon con vict ion ther eof, be fined not less than $3 00 or more th an $1,000 or i mprisoned for a period of not exceeding one year or both so fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court . SEC. 4. That. it shall be the duty of eves owner, rtreasurer

Persons required to y

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, furnish inform ation . secreta ry, dir ector, or oth er offi cer or agent of any red-ced ar-shi ngle- producing plan t, manufactur ing establish ment, warehous e, or other place where red-cedar shingles are manufactured, dealt in, stored, or handled, whether conducted as a corporation, firm, limited partner- ship, or by individuals, when requested by the Director of the Census or by any special agent or other employee of the Bureau of the Census acting under the instructions of said Director, to furnish completely and correctly, to the best of his knowledge, all of the information concerning the number and grade of red-cedar shingles produced, shipped, sold, imported, consumed, handled, or held in storage, and the number o f machines pr oducing red-c edar shingles . The request evidence request as of the Director of the Census for information concerning red-cedar shingles or machines producing red-cedar shingles may be made in writing or by a visiting representative and, if made in writing shall be forwarded by registered mail, and the registry receipt of the Post Office Department shall be accepted as evidence of such demand . Any owner, president, treasurer, secretary, director, or other officer Penalty provision . or agent of a red-cedar-shingle-manufacturing establishment, ware- house, or other place where red-cedar shingles are produced, shipped, stored, sold, or dealt with in any manner whatsoever who, under the conditions hereinbefore stated, shall refuse or willfully neglect to furnish any of the information herein provided for or shall willfully give answ ers that are f alse shall be guilty of a misdemeanor an d, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $300 or more than $1,0 00 or imprison ed for a peri od of not exc eeding one yea r, or both so fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court . SEc. 5 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of the thoPsedPriatiou au- Treasury of the United States, such amounts of money as may be neces sary to carry out th e provi sions of this Act . Approved, May 25, 1937 . [CHAPTER 262] AN ACT May 25, 1937 To provide for the establishment of a Coast Guard station on the coast of Georgia [S . 11891 at or near Tybee Island .

[Public, No . 1131 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Eyb eI la niGa.of of the Treasury is authorized to establish a Coast Guard station on coast Guard station the coast of Georgia, at or near Tybee Island, at such point as the at, authorized . Commandant of the Coast Guard may recommend . Approv ed, Ma y 25, 1937 .