Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/261

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 277-MAY 28, 1937 For United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington, main- tenance, $1,074. For prison camps, maintenance, $663 .74 . For detection and prosecution of crimes, $2 .70. For pay of bailiffs and so forth, United States courts, $14 . For salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, $26 .05 . For salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, $14 .51 . Department of La- Department of Labor : For expenses of regulating immigration, bor .

$564 .64 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Labor Statistics, $4 .07. For salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice $5,149.92 . kor salaries and expenses, Women's Bureau, $1 .50 . For salar ies an d expe nses, Bureau of Na turali zation , $3 .05 . For salaries and expenses, Commissioners of Conciliation, $8 .45 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Immigration, $12 .25 . N avy Department .

Navy Department : For pay, miscellaneous, $27 .66 . For misce llaneo us exp enses, Navy, $89 .17 . For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $29 .80 . For instruments and supplies, Bureau of Navigation, $1,161 .50 . For organ izing the Na val Re serve, $44 .36 . For engin eering , Bure au of Engine ering, $30,5 05 .8 4. For construction and repair, Bureau of Construction and Repair, $15, 335 .06 . For pay of the Navy, $897 .17 . For pay, subsis tence, and t ranspo rtatio n, Nav y, $19 ,334 .77 . For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts $1,798 .41 . For medical department, Bureau of Medicine and urgery, $34 . For aviat ion, N avy, $ 297,42 4 .68 . For pay, Marine Corps, $1,497 .62. For general expenses Marine Corps, $833 .48 . For maintenance, duartermaster's Department, Marine Corps, $62 .50 . For prize money, Battle of Manila Bay, $138 .53 . For judgments, bounty for destruction of enemy's vessels, $71 .44. Department of State .

Department of State : For con tingen t expe nses, Foreig n Serv ice, $17 .15 . For salaries, Foreign Service clerks, $12 .98 . For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $3,557 .48 . For salaries, Foreign Service officers, $59 .02 . me t asnry Dep ar t-

Treasury Department : For collecting the revenue from customs, $14 .80 . For Coast Guard, $180 . For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $26 .49 . For outfits, Coast Guard, $44 .55 . For contingent expenses, Coast Guard, $21 .41 . For collecting the internal revenue, $25 .93 . For enforcement of narcotic and national prohibition Acts, $140 .90 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Industrial Alcohol, $9 .76 . For suppr essing count erfeit ing an d othe r crim es, $1 . 35 . For pay of other employees, Public Health Service, $2 .70. For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $26 .37 . For studies of rural sanitation, Public Health Service, 45 cents . For stationery, Treasury Department, $5 .33 . For educational exhibits, Public Health Service, $5 .47 . For lab orat ory at Ha milt on, Mont ana, Publ ic H ealt h Se rvic e, $5,156 .80 .