Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/364

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75TH CON GRESS, 1ST SESSIO N-CH . 396--JUNE 28,193T records (including motion-picture films) and sound recordings in the custody of the Archivist ; purchase and exchange of books, including law book s, books of refe rence, maps, an d charts ; co ntract s tenogra phic reporting services ; purchase of newspapers, periodicals, and press clipping s ; not t o exce ed $10 0 for paymen t in a dvance when author ized by the Archiv ist fo r libr ary me mbersh ip in societ ies wh ose pu blica- tions are available to members only or to members at a price lower than to the general public ; travel expenses, including not to exceed $1,000 for the expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the National Archives ; repairs to equipment ; maintenance and operation of motor vehicles, including the purchase and exchange of one passenger-carrying automobile for official use ; and all other necessary expenses, $ i- 00,000 : Provided, That section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C . . title 41, sec . 5) shall not be construed to a pply t o any purcha se or servic e rend ered f or the Natio nal Ar chives when the aggregate cost involved does not exceed the sum of $50 . Printing and binding : For all printing and binding for the National Archives, $17,000 . T otal, The Na tional Archi ves, $ 717,00 0 . NAT ION AL CAP ITA L PA RK AND PL ANN ING COM MIS SIO N For each and every purpose requisite for and incident to the work of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission necessary toward carrying into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act for the acquisition, establishment, and development of the George Washington Memorial Parkway along the Potomac from Mount Vernon and Fort Washington to the Great Falls, and to provide for t he acq uisiti on of lands in the Distr ict of Colum bia an d the States of Mary land a nd Vir ginia requis ite to the c ompreh ensive park, park- way, and playground system of the National Capital", approved May 29, 1930 ; personal services, including real estate and other technical services, at rates of pay to be fixed by the Commission and not e xceedi ng tho se usu al for simil ar ser vices and wi thout refere nce to civil-s ervice rules and t he Cla ssific ation Act of 1923, as am ended ; t ra vel e xpe nse s ; expenses of surv eys and searchi ng of ti tles, p urchase of options, and all other costs incident to the acquisition of land, purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of passenger-carry- i ng vehic les for officia l use, $ 893,700, to be e xpended in carr ying out the provisions of section 4 of said Act, and to remain available until expended . NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Salaries and expenses : For three Board members, and for all other authorized and necessary expenditures of the National Labor Relations Board in performing the duties imposed by law or in pur- suance of law, including rent and personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; repairs and alterations ; communications ; contract stenographic reporting services, and not to exceed $300 for law books ; books of reference ; newspapers ; periodicals ; operation, maintenance, and repair of one automobile ; $750,000 : Provided, That the Board may procure supplies and services without regard to sec- tion 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) when the agg regate amoun t invo lved d oes no t exce ed $50 . Printing and binding : For all printing and binding for the National Labor Relations Board in Washington and elsewhere, $35,000 . T otal, Nation al Lab or Rel ations Board , $785 ,000 . Membership fees . Attendance at meet . ings . Proviso . Minor purchases . R.S.°3709 . 41 U.S. C.°5. Prin ting an d bind - ing . Nat ion al Ca pit al Park and Planning Commission . All expenses . 46 Stat. 482 . Personal services . 339 5U.S.C. °° 661674. Acquisition of land . Vehicles . Nat ion al Lab or Re- lations Board . Sala ries and ex- penses . 49 Stat. 431 . Proviso . Minor purchases, R.S.3709 . 41U . .C.°5. Prin ting an d bind - ing . Post, p . 758 .