Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/376

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75T H CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 396-JUNE 28, 1937 and services ; typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and exchange ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; use of the services and facilities of the Federal Reserve bank s ; and all other necessary administrative expenses : Provided, That all necessary expenses in connection with the acq uisiti on, op eratio n, mai ntenan ce, imp roveme nt, or dispo sition of any real or personal property belonging to the Corporation or the RFC Mortgage Com pany or in which they have an interest, including expenses of collections of pledged collateral, shall be con- sidered as nonadministrative expenses for the purposes hereof : Pro- vide d fu rthe r, That except for the limitations in amounts herein- before specified, and the restrictions in respect to travel expenses, the admi nistr ative expe nses and other obl igati ons o f th e Cor porat ion shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with the provi- sions of said Act of January 22, 1932, as amended (U. S . C., title 15, sees . 601-617) . FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Not to exceed $10,000,000 of the amount of $300,000,000 made avail- able, upon the direction of the President, to the Federal Emergency Admi nist ratio n of Publ ic Wo rks b y Eme rgen cy Re lief Appr opria tion Act of 1936 sh all be av ailable d uring the fiscal y ear 1938 for admi n- istra tive e xpense s in c onnect ion wi th the liquid ation of sai d Admi n- istration, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; travel expenses, in accordance with the Standardized Government Travel Regulations and the Act of June 3, 1926, as amended (U. S. C., title 5. sees. 821-833) ; printing and binding ; law books, books of reference, and not to exceed $500 for periodicals, newspapers, and press clippings ; procurement of supplies, equipment, and services ; maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes ; typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, includ- ing their repair and exchange ; not to exceed $1,000 for expenses of attendance, when specifically authorized by the Administrator, at meetings concerned with the work of the Administration ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; and all other necessary admin- istrative expenses : Provided, That except for the limitations in amounts hereinbefore specified, and the restrictions in respect to travel expenses, the administrative expenses and other obligations of the Administration shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with the provisions of Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act . FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION Not to exceed $256,180 of the funds of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, established by title IV of the National Housing Act of June 27, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 1246), shall be available during the fiscal year 1938, for administrative expenses of the Cor- poration, including personal services, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; travel expenses, in accordance with the Standardized Government Travel Regulations and the Act of June 3, 1926, as amended (U . S . C., title 5, sees. 821-833) ; printing and binding ; law books, books of reference, and not to exceed $250 for periodicals and newspapers ; pro cureme nt of suppli es, eq uipmen t, and servic es ; type- writers, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including 351 Provisos . Designated ex- penses considered uo uadmiu t,trat ive . Payment of ad- ministrative, etc., ex- pe nses . 47 Stat.5. i5 u. S. C. °° 681- 617 . Federa l Emer gency Administration of Public Works . Administrative ex . penses . Post, p. 358. 44 Stat . 688. 5 U.S.C. °°821-S33. Labor-saving de- vices . Proviso . Payment of ad- ministrative, etc ., ex- penses . 48 Stat. 200. Federal Savings and Loan Insura nce Co r- poration . Administrative ex- penses . 48 Stat.1246. Travel expenses . 44 Stat. 688 . 5 U. S. 0.°° 821-833 . Printing and bind- ing .