Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/378

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 401-JUNE 29, 1937 appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, to remain available until June 30, 1938, and to be used in the discretion and under the direction of the President, $1,500,000,000 together with such unexpended balances, as the President may deter- mine, of appropriations made by (a) the second paragraph of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936, as supplemented by the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, and (b) section 1 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, includ- ing th e unex pended balanc es of approp riatio ns ref erred t o ther ein Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for the follow- ing classes of public projects, Federal and non-Federal, and the amounts to be used for each class shall not, except as hereinafter provid ed, ex ceed th e resp ective amoun ts sta ted, n amely : (a) High- ways, roads, and streets, $415,000,000 ; (b) public buildings, parks and oth er recr eationa l facili ties, i ncludin g build ings th erein, public utilities, electric transmission and distribution lines or systems to serve persons in rural areas including projects sponsored by and for the benefit of nonprofit and cooperative associations, sewer systems, water supply and purification, airports and other transportation facilities, flood control, conservation, eradication of insect pests, and miscellaneous work projects, $630,000,000 ; (c) assistance for educa- tional, professional, and self-help, and clerical persons and women's project s, $380 ,000,00 0 ; and (d) National Youth Administration, $75,000,000 : Provided further, That no portion of the funds hereby appropriated shall be allocated or used for any purpose except to provide relief or work relief for persons in need : Provided further, Tha t not to exceed 5 per centum of the amount allotted or u sed by any department or agency may be expended for administration of such relief or work relief ; except that this provision shall not apply to allocations made to the Gener al Ac counti ng Of fice, the Department of Justice, the Treasury Department, the Employees' Compensation Commission, the United States Employment Service of the Department of Labor, the Bureau of Air Commerce of the Department of Commerce, the National Emergency Council, the Resettlement Administration or to the Prison Industries Reorgani- zation Administration, for administrative expenses in performing functions for or on behalf of the relief or work-relief program Provided further, That the amount specified for any of the fore- going classes may be increased proportionately in accordance with the amount of such unexpended balances as the President transfers for the purposes of this section from the appropriations made by (a) the Em ergen cy R elief App ropr iatio n Act of 1935 and (b) the E merge ncy R elief Appr opria tion Act of 19 36, as sup - plemented : Provided further, That the amount specified for any of the foregoing classes may be increased by not to exceed 15 per centum thereof by transfer of an amount or amounts from any other class or classes in order to effectuate the purposes of the foregoing appropriation : Provided, That no Federal construction project shall be und ertak en or prose cuted under this appro priat ion u nless and until there shall have been allocated and irrevocably set aside Fed- eral funds sufficient for its completion ; and no non-Federal project shall be undertaken or prosecuted under this appropriation unless and un til th e spons or has made a writ ten ag reemen t to fi nance such p art of the entire cost thereof as is not to be supplied from Federal funds . This appropriation shall be available for expenditure by the Resettl ement A dminist ration f or such loans, relief , and r ural re habil- itation for n eedy p ersons as th e Pres ident m ay det ermine , incl uding such co st of admini strati on as the Pr esident may d irect

Provided, That no person employed on work projects and certified as in need 125151 §-3T- 23 Use restricted . Exceptions . 353 valances reappro . p riated . 49 Stat.1608. Ante, p. 10. 49 Stat .115 . Provisos . Classes of projects ; amounts. Amount for admit istration . Proportionate in- creases permi tted ; u se of balances . 49 Stat . 115, 1608 . Interchan ge of funds . Work forbidden un- less sum for co mple- tion allocated . Non-Federal proj- ects . Expenditure for loans, relief, etc . Refusal of private e mployme nt offe r .