Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/483

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458 E ngine er

School, maintenance, etc. Maps, surveys, etc . Rent. Operating, etc ., ex- penses. Ordnance Depart- ment . Ordnance service and supplies . Manufacture, issue, etc . Current expenses . Vehicles . Am munit ion f or military salutes . Gages, dies, and jigs . 39 Stat. 215 . 5OU.S.C.°78. Pu blic atio ns . Consulting engi- neers . Rock Island, Ill . Ope ratin g bri dges, etc . Arsenals . Repairs, etc . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-C$ . 423-JULY 1, 1937 required in the equipm ent and trai ning of troop s and in mili tary operations, including military surveys and the Engineer School ; for the operation and maintenance of the Engineer School, including (a) compensation of civilian lecturers, and (b) purchase and binding of scientific and professional books, pamphlets, papers, and periodi- cal s ; for the procurement, preparation , and reprodu ction of maps and similar data for military purposes ; for expenses incident to the Engineer service in military operations, including military sur- veys, and including (a) research and development of improved meth- ods in such operations, (b) the rental of storehouses and grounds within and outside the District of Columbia, and (c) repair and alteration of buildings ; for heat, light, power, water, and communi- cation service, not otherwise provided for ; and for the compensation of em ploye es req uired in th ese ac tivit ies, $ 599,4 00 . ORDNANCE D EPAR TME NT ORDNANCE SERVICE AND SUPPI JES, ARMY For manufacture, procurement, storage, and issue, including re- search, planning, design, development, inspection, test, alteration, maintenance, repair, and handling of ordnance material together with the machinery, supplies, and services necessary thereto ; for sup- plies and services in connection with the general work of the Ord- nance Department, comprising police and office duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, advertising, stationery, typewriting and computing machines, including their exchange, and furniture, tools, and instru- ments of service ; to provide for training and other incidental expenses o f the ordnanc e service ; for in stru ctio n pu rpos es, oth er than tuition ; for the purchase, completely equipped, of trucks, and for maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse- drawn freight and passenger-carrying vehicles ; for ammunition for military salutes at Government establishments and institutions to which the issues of arms for salutes are authorized ; for services, ma- terial, tools, and appliances for operation of the testing machines and chemical laboratory i n connection therewith ; f or th e de v el o p - ment and procurement of gages, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, including specifications and detailed drawings, to carry out the purpose of section 123 of the National Defense Act, as amended (U. S . C ., title 50, sec . 78) ; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, including the Ordnance Office, including subscriptions to periodicals ; for services of not more than four con- sulting engin eers as the S ecretary of W ar may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 per day for not ex- ceeding fifty days each, and for their necessary traveling expenses, $22,137,000, and of the total sum hereby made available $144,000 shall be available exclusively for equipping seventy-five-millimeter guns with high-speed adapters . ROC K ISLAND BR IDG E, ROC K ISL AND , ILLINOIS For operating, repair, and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaduct, and maintenance and repair of the arsenal street connecting the bridges, $32,835. REPAI RS OF ARS ENALS For repairs and improvements of ordnance establishments, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies may require, $1,087,280 .