Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/585

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560 Radiu m, pr ocure - ment, etc., of . Instruction in tech- nical matters . Fellowships . Consultations, etc . Coo per ati on w ith State agencies . Natio nal A dviso ry Cancer Council; crea- tion, composition, etc . Terms of office . Service restrictions and provisions . Compensation, etc . Powers and duties of the Council . Review of r esear ch projects, etc . Collection and dis- semination of informa- tion . R eview of a pplic a- tions of grants-in-aid for research projects . Acceptance of con- ditional gifts . Post,P.561. 75T H CONG RESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 56 5- AUG UST 5, 1 937 (c) To procure, use, and lend radium as hereinafter provided ; (d) To provide training and instruction in technical matters relat- ing to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer ; (e) To provide fellowships in the Institute from funds appro- priated or donated for such purpose ; (f) To secure for the Institute consultation services and advice of cancer experts from the United States and abroad ; and (g) To coopera te with State health agenci es in t he prev ention, control, and eradication of cancer . SEC. 3 . There is hereby created the National Advisory Cancer Coun cil (he rein re ferred to as the "Co uncil") , to co nsist o f six membe rs to b e appo inted b y the S urgeon General with t he app roval of t he Secr etary o f the Treasur y, and of the Surgeon Genera l, ex officio, who shall be chairman of the Council . The six appointed members sha ll be selected fro m leading medical or scientific aut hor- ities who are outstanding in the study, diagnosis, or treatment of cancer in the United States . Each appointed member shall hold office for a term of three years, except that (1) any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term, and (2) the terms of office of the members first taking office shall expire, as designated by the Surgeon General at the time of appointment, two at the end of the first year, two at the end of the second year, and two at the end of the third year after the date of the first meeting of the Council . No appointed member shall be eligible to serve continuously for more than three years but shall be eligible for reappointment if he has not served as a member of the Council at any time within twelve months immediately preceding his reappointment . Each appointed member shall receiv e comp ensatio n at th e rate of $25 per day durin g the time spent i n atte nding m eetings of the Counci l and f or the time devoted to official business of the Council under this Act, and actual and n ecessar y trav eling a nd subs istence expens es whil e away from his place of residence upon official business under this Act . SEC. 4 . The Council is authorized- (a ) To rev iew resea rch proj ects or p rogr ams subm itted to or initiated by it relating to the study of the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and certify approval to the Surgeon General for prosecution under section 2 (a) hereof any such projects which it believes show promise of making valuable contr ibution s to h uman kn owledge with r espect to the cause, pre- vention, or methods of diagno sis and treatment of cancer- (b) To collect information as to studies which are being carried on in the United States or any other country as to the cause, preven- tion, and methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer, by corre- spondence or b y personal invest igation of such s tudies, and with t he approval of the Surgeon General make available such information through the ap propriate publica tions for the ben efit of health age n- cies and organ izations (public or private), phys icians, or any oth er scientists, and for the information of the general public ; (c) T o review applicat ions from any univ ersity, hospital, labora- tory, or other institution, whe ther public or pr ivate, or from ind i- viduals, for g rants-in-aid for research projects relating to cance r, and ce rtify to the Surgeon Genera l its a pproval of gr ants-in -aid in the cases of such projects which show promise of making valuable contributions to human knowledge with respect to the cause, preven- tion, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of cancer ; (d) To recommend to the Secretary of the Treasury for acceptance conditional gifts pursuant to section 6 ; and