Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/611

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586 Ho spital s, etc . Availability . General support and administration . Sundry agencies and re servat ions . Ge neral support , ad- ditional amount. Metlakahtla Indi- ans, Alaska, expenses . Proviso . Limitation. 48 Stat . 1227. 31U.S.C.°725c. Reindeer service . Purchase, distribu- tion, etc ., to natives . Balance reappropri- ated. 49 Stat . 213. Specified agencies, from tribal funds . Arizona . California . Idaho . Iowa . Montana . Nevada . Loans to Indians, etc . 75 TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 570-AUGUST 9, 1937 rent al, and equi pmen t of hos pita l bu ildi ngs ; n ot to exceed $1,000 for purchase of land ; books and surgical apparatus ; pay and necessary traveling expenses of physicians, nurses, and other employees, and all other ne cessary misce llaneous expe nses which are not included under the above special heads, $370,000, to be available immediately and to remain available until June 30, 1939 . GENERAL SUPPORT AND ADMINISTRATION For general support of Indians and administration of Indian property, including pay of employees authorized by continuing or perm anen t tr eaty pro visi ons, $2, 604, 600 . For an additional amount for general support of Indians and administration of Indian property, including pay of employees auth oriz ed b y co ntin uing or perm anen t tr eaty pro visi ons, fis cal year 1937, $80,000 . For pay of employees, village improvements, relief of destitution, and such other purposes as may be requested by the town council of Metlakahtla, Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, $50,000

Provided, That expenditures

hereun der sh all no t exc eed th e aggr egate recei pts co vered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . Reindeer service : For supervision of reindeer in Alaska and instruction in the care and management thereof, including salaries and tr avel e xpense s of employ ees in Alask a, tr avel e xpense s of employees of t he Indian Ser vice while pe rforming dutie s in Alaska for the reindeer service, travel expenses of new appointees from Seattle, Washington, to their posts of duty in Alaska, expenses of pack ing, cra ting , an d tr ansp orta tion (in clud ing dray age) of pers onal effects of employees upon permanent change of station within Alaska, purchase, rental, erection, and repair of range cabins, purchase and maintenance of communication and other equipment, and all othe r ne cess ary misc ella neou s ex pens es, incl udin g $3 ,000 for the purchase and distribution of reindeer, $35,500, to be immediately available. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $755 contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936, for the purchase and distribution of reindeer to natives in Alaska is hereby made available for the same purposes during the fiscal years 1937 and 1938 . For general support of Indians and administration of Indian property under the jurisdiction of the following agencies, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes, in not to exceed the following sums, respectively Ar izona : Fort Apache, $90,000, of which not to exceed $40,000 may be used fo r the establi shment of a t ribal herd, in cluding the construction of necessary buildings ; San Carlos, $45,700 ; Truxton Canyon, $6,500 ; in al l, $14 2,2 00 ; California : Mission, $15,000 ; Hoopa Valley, $2,500 ; in all, $17,500 ; Idaho : Fort Hall, $4,800 ; Iowa : Sac and Fox, $2,000 ; Montana : Flathead, $20,000 ; Nevada : Carson (Wa lker River $600, Summ it Lake, $ 7,000, Pyramid Lake, $20,000), $27,600, which amount shall be available for loans to I ndians and fo r such other purposes as ma y be recom- mended by the tribes and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs ; Western Shoshone, $5,000 ; in all, $32,600 ;