Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/659

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH. 600 AUGUST 12, 1937 30, 1934, by the Legislature of New Hampshire on May 29, 1935, and by the Legislature of Rhode Island on May 1, 1936, is hereby approved and declared to be effective in said States in accordance with the terms thereof, and hereafter in such States as may at any time ratify the same ; which compact is as follows : COMPACT FOR ES TABLISHING UN IFORM STANDAR DS FOR CON DITI ONS OF E MPLO YMEN T, P ARTI CULA RLY WI TH RE GARD TO THE MINI MUM WAGE , IN STA TES RATIFYING THE SAME TITLE I-POLICY AND IN TENT Whereas enforcement among the industrial States of the Union of reasonably uniform standards for labor in industry, determined in accordance with the general welfare, would not only benefit labor but would be of real advantage to employers, removing the pressure toward low wages, long hours of work, exploitation of minors and women, and similar action commonly admitted to be injurious to all concerned ; and Whereas the advantages of such uniform standards have already been in dica ted by t he o pera tion of the Nati onal Ind ustr ial Reco very Act and the codes of fair competition adopted thereunder ; and Whereas such operation points to the desirability of continued uni- form legislation affecting labor standards, by Federal action or otherwise, and of joint action by the States to establish such uniform standards ; and Whereas the establishment of reasonably uniform standards in States co ncer ned with the sam e ge nera l fi elds of indu stry and com peti tors in the same markets will afford the advantages of stability in labor legislation to all concerned, with disadvantage to none : Now, there- fore The States whose commissioners have signed this compact and which have, by their legislature, ratified the same, acting to promote the general welfare of the people, do hereby join in establishing the sai d compact to provide unifo rm minimum sta ndards affect ing labor and industry in the said States : Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as abrogating, repealing, modi- fying, or interfering with the operation of laws already in effect in any State party hereto which establish stan dards equival ent to . or above those herein specified, nor to prevent or discourage the enact- men t of addition al laws estab lishing simila r or higher s tandards ; nor shall anything herein contained repeal or affect any laws con- cerning conditions of employment that are not in conflict herewith or that deal with subjects not included herein : And provided further, That no part of any title of this compact nor of any legislation adopted in pursuance thereof, except as may be expressly specified in such title or in such legislation, shall be in effect in any Sta te party here to until this compact shall have been ap proved as provided in section 6 of title II, but whenever title I and II hereof and any other ti tle included herein are so approved and ratified, such titles shall be in full force and effect as laws of the States so approving and ratifying the same . TITLE II-GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1 . Each State party to this compact shall require its administrative agency or ag encies charge d with the adm inistration and enforcement of this compact and of State laws relating thereto, to make comprehensive and detailed reports concerning the operation 'Uniform standards for conditions of em- ployment, etc . Title I-Policy and intent . Preamble. Establishment of compact . Provisos . Effect on existing laws. Provisions and leg- islation ineffective until approval; excep- tion . Post, p.635. Title II-General provisions . Administrative agencies .