Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/689

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75 TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-OHS. 6 6 2 , 663-AUGUST 16, 1937 [CHAPTER 662] AN ACT August 16, 1937 [H.R. 6651] To pr o v id e fo r a referendum in the Territory of Alaska as to the establishment of a [Public, No . 307]

one-house legislature, and for other purposes . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United State s o f Americ a in C ongres s assem bled, Th at at the ge neral election held in the Territory of Alaska, in the year 1938, for the election of a Delegate to Con gress from Alaska, members of the Alaska Territ orial Legisl ature, and s uch oth er off icials of th e Ter- ritory as may be by law then elective, each of the qualified electors of the Territory shall be afforded an opportunity to vote upon the questio n as t o whet her a one-ho use le gislatu re sha ll be provid ed for the Ter ritory of Al aska, such v ote to be tak en by furnis hing t o each of such electors a ballot, separate and apart. from the ballot which embraces the names of the candidates for office to be voted upon at said el ection , havi ng pri nted t hereon the fo llowin g Form of ballot .

" SP ECIAL REFERENDUM BALLOT ~~ (Place an (X) in square before your preference .) "(Vote for one only) "F1 I favo r a on e-hous e legi slatur e for Alaska . "F- 1 I do NOT favor a one-house legislature for Alaska ." SEC . 2 . Such ball ots shall be p repar ed, print ed, n umbe red, and distri buted, so fa r as m ay be practi cable, in the same form a nd man - ner as the ballots containing the names of candidates for office to be voted upon at said election ; and the special referendum ballots so cast at said election shall be counted, tallied, canvassed, and returns thereon made in substantially the same manner as in the case of ballot s cont aining the n ames o f cand idates . SEC. 3. The expense of preparing, printing, distributing, counting, tallying, and canvassing such special referendum ballots, and all other additional expenses incurred in said election by reason thereof, shall be paid in the same manner as the other costs and expenses of said election . Approved, August 16, 1937 . Alaska unicameral legislature . Referendum as to establishment of, au- thorized . Preparation, etc ., of ballots . Payment of ex- penses . [CHAPTER 663] AN ACT August 16, 1937 [H . R. 7274]

To enable the Department of Labor to formulate and promote the furtherance [Public, No . 308]

of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices and to cooperate with the States in the promotion of such standards . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of Labor is hereby authorized and directed to formulate and prom ote t he fu rther ance of l abor stan dards nece ssar y to safeg uard the we lfare of app rentic es, to exten d the a pplica tion o f such stand - ards by encouraging the inclusion thereof in contracts of apprentice- ship, to bring together employers and labor for the formulation of programs of apprenticeship, to cooperate with State agencies en- gaged in the formulation and promotion of standards of apprentice- ship , and to c ooper ate with the N atio nal Y outh Admi nistr ation and with the Office of Education of the Department of the Interior in accordance with section 6 of the Act of February 23, 1917 (39 Stat . 932), as amended by Executive Order N umbered 6166, June 1 0, 1933, issued pursuant to an Act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat . 414), as amended . Labor standards for ap prenti ces . Formulation and promoti on of . Encouraging inclu- sion of, in contracts . Cooperation with State agenci es, Na - tional Youth Admin- istration, etc . 39 Stat. 932. 20U.S.C.°17. 47 Stat. 414.