Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/692

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75 Ta CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 6 6 5-AUGUST 16, 1 937 be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts . No provision of this section shall be construed so as to relieve the owner of any such obstruction from the duty and respons ibilit y suit ably t o mark the s ame in accord ance w ith th e pro- visions of section 15 of the Act of March 3, 1899 (ch . 425, 30 Stat . 1152) ." SEc. 2. The Lighthouse Service is authorized, whenever an aid to navigation or other property belonging to that Service is damaged or destroyed by a private person, and such private person or his agent sh all pay t o the sat isfaction of the proper of ficial of the Ligh t- house Service for the cost of repair or replacement of such property, to accept and deposit such payments, through proper officers of the Divis ion o f Dis burs ement , Tre asur y Dep artme nt, i n sp ecial depo sit accounts in the Treasury, for payment therefrom to the person or persons repairing or replacing the damaged property and refund- ment of amounts collected in excess of the cost of the repairs or repl aceme nts c oncer ned . SEc . 3 . The Commissioner of Lighthouses, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, is authorized in his discretion here- after to establish and maintain aids to navigation to mark rivers, waterways, or channels, connected by navigable waters with the sea or the Great Lakes, which have been improved for navigation by the United States under proper authority, and appropriations made for the support of the Lighthouse Service are made available for the expenses of establishing and maintaining such aids to navigation . SEC. 4 . Section 4 of the Act of Congress approved June 17, 1910 (ch. 301, 36 Stat. 537 ; U. S. C., title 33, sees. 711, 721), is hereby amended to read as follows "SEc. 4. There shall be in the Department of Commerce a Bureau of Lighthouses and a Commissioner of Lighthouses, who shall be the head of said Bureau, to be appointed by the President . There shall also be in the Bureau a Deputy Commissioner, to be appointed by the President, and a Chief Clerk, who shall perform the duties of Chief Clerk and such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Secretary of Commerce or by the Commissioner . There shall also be in the Bureau such inspectors, clerical assistants, and other employees as may from time to time be authorized by Congress . The Commissioner of Lighthouses shall make an annual report to the Secretary of Commerce, who shall transmit the same to Con- gress at the beginning of each regular session thereof . The Co m- missioner of Lighthouses, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, is authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust, and deter- mine all claims for damages, where the amount of the claim does not exceed the sum of $500, occasioned by collisions, for which col- lisions vessels of the Lighthouse Service shall be found to be respon- sible, and report the amounts so ascertained and determined to be due to the claimants to Congress at each session thereof through the Treasury Department for payment as legal claims out of appro- priations that may be made by Congress therefor ." SEc. 5 . That so much of section 20 of the Act approved play 28, 1935 (Public, Numbered 81, Seventy-fourth Congress), entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to dispose of certain lighthouse reservations, and for other purposes", as reads "to convey to the town of Southold, State of New York" is hereby amended to read "to convey to the Southold Park District in the town of South- old, State of New York" . SEC. 6 . The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to convey to the State of Florida for public-roadway purposes an additional portion of the Crooked River Range Lighthouse Reservation, Florida, thirty- 667 Obligation of own- er not waived . 30 Stat . 1152. 33 U.S.0.°409. Damage to ai ds to navigation ; payment of repair cost, etc . Establishment, etc ., of aids to mark rivers, waterw ays, o r chan - nels. 36 Stat. 537. 33U.S.C.°°711, 721 . Bureau of Light- houses, etc . Establishment, or- ganization, etc . Annu al rep ort . Damage claims, ad- justment, etc . norton Point, N . Y ., ligh thouse reser- vation . Portion of,conveyed to Southold Pa rk District, Southold, N. Y. 49 Stat . 308. Cro oked River Rang e, Fla . Additional strip for roadway conveyed to Sta te .