Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/746

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 706-AUGUST 19, 1937 " ARTICLE III "There are hereby transferred to the commission all of the func- tions, jurisdiction, rights, powers and duties of the respective state boards, as now prescribed by the laws of the respective states, and the same shall hereafter be exercised and performed by the commission, subject to such modifications thereof as are contained in this com- pact . Either the state of New York or the state of New Jersey may by law applicable to parks or park commissions generally within such state, or by law specifically applicable to the commission or to any of the parks within such state under its jurisdiction, and with- out the concurrence of the other state, withdraw, modify, alter or amend any of the functions, jurisdiction, rights, powers and duties transferred to the commission by this article or confer additional functions, jurisdiction, rights, powers and duties on the commission, but such action by one state shall be effective only within the terri- torial limits of such state . The commission shall also have such add itiona l func tions, juris dictio n, rig hts, po wers a nd dut ies as may be conferred upon it by both states . "ARTICLE IV "1 . All legal and equitable title to or in any property, tangible or intangible and whether real, personal or mixed, used or held as a part of, in connection with, or for the purposes of the park or parks now under the jurisdiction, management or control of the respective state boards, or connected with the maintenance or control thereof, in so far as th e same shall have hereto fore be en ves ted in eithe r of such state boards, is hereby transferred to and vested in the commis- sion, subject to such liens, easements, permits, life rights and other con tracts relat ing th ereto or in respec t there of as may no w lawf ully exist . All such legal and equitable title shall, upon the taking effect of this compact, forthwith and thereafter reside in the commission without further act or deed or transfer . "2 . The commission shall succeed and shall be and hereby is sub- stituted for each of the state boards in so far as either of them has any obligation or liability to any person, firm or corporation, has un dertak en or commen ced an y proc eeding or oth er bus iness, is a party to any action, suit or proceeding (the substitution of the commission for either of the state boards in any action, suit or proceeding to be deemed to be by operation hereof without motion or order) or has issued or promulgated any orders, rules or regulations, and also in so far as, consistent with the other provisions and the purposes of this compact, the commission should be regarded as succeeding and as substituted for either of the state boards in any other respect in order that the purposes of this compact may be accomplished . The balance of all appropriations heretofore made by either state and remaining to the credit of either of the state boards, to which either state board is entitled, or in the future would become entitled if its existence continued, shall be deemed to be appropriations to the co mmissi on her ein cr eated, and t he com mission shall , upon the t aking ef fect of t his compa ct, succe ed to all the rig hts to an y such ap propria- tions theretofore made with the same force and effect as if the commission had originally been specifically named in the respective appropriation acts instead of the respective state boards for which s uch a pprop riat ions were made . "3 . All lands the title to which is hereby transferred to or shall hereafter be owned by the commission shall be and continue under the jur isdict ion of the c ommiss ion an d shall be us ed onl y for public 1251 51° -37 46 721