Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/776

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 752-754-AUGUST 24, 19 37

751 i rate of to lls on lad en vessels shall not exceed $1 , nor be l ess than $0.75 per net vessel-ton as determined under the aforesaid rules, and on vessels in ballast without passengers or cargo the rate may be less than the rate of tolls for vessels with passengers or cargo . In addition to the tol ls based o n measurem ent or dis placement tonnage, t olls may be levied on passengers at rates not to exceed $1 .50 for each passenger . The levy o f tolls is subject t o the prov isions of article XI X of the convent ion bet ween th e Unit ed Stat es of A merica and the Republ ic of Panama, entered into November 18, 1903, and of article I of the treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Colo mbia p rocla imed March 30, 1922 ." SEC . 2 . This Act shall take effect and be enforced on and after March 1, 1938 . Approved, August 24, 1937 . [CHAPTER 7531 [CHAPTER 754) AN ACT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That whenever the constitutionality of any Act of Congress affecting the public interest is drawn in question in any court of the United States in any suit or proc eeding to whic h the United States, or any agency thereo f, or any officer or employee thereof, as such officer or employee, is not a part y, the cou rt having jurisdicti on of the suit or pr oceeding shall certify such fact to the Attorney General . In any such case the court shall permit the United States to intervene and become a party for presentati on of evid ence (if e vidence is otherwise receiv- able in such suit or proceeding) and argument upon the question of the constitutionality of such Act . In any such suit or proceeding the United States shall, subject to the applicable provisions of law, have all the rights of a party and the liabilities of a party as to court cost s to the e xtent nece ssary for a proper p resentatio n of the facts and law relating to the constitutionality of such Act . Rates . Passenger tolls . 33 Stat. 2239; 42 Stat . 2122. Effect ive date . AN ACT

August 24,1937 To amend the Act of May 3, 1935, relating to the promotion of safety on the is . 12281 highways of t he District of Columbia .

[Public, No . 3511 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sections 3 and 9 of the Act entitled "An Act to promote safety on the public high- ways of the District of Columbia by providing for the financial responsibi lity of ow ners and o perators o f motor ve hicles for damages caused by motor vehicles on the public highways in the District of Columbia ; to prescribe penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act, and for other purposes", approved May 3, 193 5, are amended by striking out the phrase "in excess of $100" where it appears in such sections . SEC. 2. Section 4 of such Act is amended by striking out the phrase "over $100 in amount" . Approved, August 24, 1937 . District of Colum- bia . Financial responsi- bility, motor-vehicle operators . 49 8tat. 167, 171 . Sus pen sion of per - mit and registration certificate ; minimum amount of judgment eli min ated . Bonds ; dama ge judgment, amount re- pealed . 49 Stat. 169 . August 24, 1937 To rovide for intervention by the United States, direct appeals to the Supreme [H . R . 2260( Court of the United States, and regulation of the issuance of injunctions, in

[Public, No . 352( certain cases involving the constitutionality of Acts of Congress, and for other purposes . United States courts . Int erv ent ion by United States in suits where constitu tion- ality of Act of Con- gress drawn in ques- tion . Rights and liabili- ties .