Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/867

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842 Cost limitation . Au H gus t . 427 R . 26, 19 71 37 [ [Public, No . 3881 General Leasing Act, amendments . Prospecting per- mits, extension of cer- tain, unde r prescri bed conditions . 41 Stat. 437; 49 Stat . 674 . 30U.S.0.§5181- 2S7; Supp . II, ° 221. 41 Stat. 441. Termination . 75 TH CONG RES S, 1sT SESSION-CHS . 827- 829-AUGUST 26, 1 937 Federal reclamation laws, in the construction of small storage reser- voirs at such locations within the States subject to the Federal recla- mations laws, as the said Secretary may select, no reservoir to be constructed hereunder the estimated cost of which exceeds $50,000 . Approved, August 26, 1937 . [CHAPTER 82 81 AN ACT To provide for the extension of certain prospecting permits, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That oil and gas prospecting permits issued under authority of an Act entitled "An Act to promote the mining of coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale 1 gas, and sodium on the public domain", approved February 25, 1920, as amended, outstanding on December 31, 1937, (a) which have been committed in whole or in par t to a co operative or unit p lan o f development and operation that on December 31, 1937, has been approved or prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, or is in process of revision or reconsideration pursuant to prior review, with- out rejection, in the Department of the Interior; or (b) which, together with one or more other permits, have been committed in whole or in part to a cooperative or unit plan of development and operation for the whole of any single oil or gas pool or field (or reasonably compact area) that was filed before January 1, 1937, and rejected pursuant to instructions of said Secretary; or (c) un der which appr oved d rilli ng was acti vely in pro gress at s ome ti me wi thin the calendar year 1937; or (d) under which at least one well shall have been drilled to a depth of not less than two thousand feet subse- quent to August 21, 1935; or (e) which have been issued subsequent to August 21, 1935, and for which timely compliance has been made with the drilling requirements of section 13 of said Act of February 25, 1920, to the extent required by December 31, 1937, or, in the absenc e of such t imely dril ling, for w hich a n acc eptab le coo perat ive or unit plan of development and operation has been filed on or before said date are all hereby extended to December 31, 1939, the provisions of any other Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding, subject, however, to the applicable conditions of the permits and of unful- fi lled condit ions of any prior exten sions . All oi l and gas prospe cting permits shall cease and terminate without notice of cancelation on the final date of their current term, including any extension herein granted, and no ext ension of any permit beyond December 31, 1939, shall be granted un der the authority of this Act or any other Act . Approved, August 26, 1937 . [CHAPTER 8291 August 26, 1937

AN ACT [H. R. 44021 To continue in effect a certain lease for the quarters of the post office at Grover, [Public, No . 389]

North Carolina, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the lease for the quarters of the post office at Grover, North Carolina, pursuant to which rent was paid prior to the relegation, on July 1, 1934, of such post office to a post office of the fourth class, shall not be held or con- sidered to have terminated or to terminate by reason of the provisions of the Act of May 24, 1928, entitled "An Act granting allowances for rent, fuel, light, and equipment to postmasters of the fourth class, Grover, N . C ., post off ice . Lease for quarters con tinu ed . 45 Stat. 724. 39U.S.C.°60a. ' So in original .