Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/954

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x Blololieal Investigations. appropriation for ______________________________ _ BloIOlieal Selenees, laternational Union of. appropriation for contribution __ _ BloIOlieal Sane,. Bareaa 01. Bee Agricul- ture, Department of. BloIOlie Prodaeta, appropriation for regu- lationofwe of. __________________ _ Blrt. Ed, payment to__________________ _ BlhlmiDou Coal Ad of 1937 : Bituminous Coal Code ______________ _ Intnatate commerce, transactions in, afl'eeting interstate commerce, subject to code _______________ _ !&arketUnI _______________________ _ MUnlmum-price-area table _________ _ Organization __________________ • _. _ Unfair methods of competition_____ • Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 repealed __________________ _ Combination between producers for dis- JlOII&l of competitive coals unlawful unless code accepted ____________ _ Definitions __________ . _. __ .__. _____ _ DurationofAct________ • _... _______ . Effective dates_____________________ . Exceasive coal prices, complaints to CO~on _____________ .. _... . Labor provisions ___ . _.. ____ . _... ... _ National Bituminous Coal Commi88ion established in Departmcnt of the Interior, composition, etc. __ _ _ . . .. Appropriations authorized; funds available ____________________ _ Appropriation for. ___ __ __ ___ __ _ _ Consumers' counsel, establiBhment of office of; duties, etc ___________ _ Studies and investigations by _____ _ TestimonyI etc., flCCuTing of. ___ ___ _ - Transfer of records, etc., to________ _ Organiaation of the code, duties of the Co~on __________________ _ Reports and accounts of producers; pen- alty for failure to file ___________ _ Review of district board actions______ _ Schedule of districts. _____ ____ _____ _ _ Separability of provisions ____________ _ Tax on coaI________________________ . Tax provisions, laws applicable to____ _ Tranaportation costs, complaints to Interstate Comme.~ Commission ~tUng---------------------- BltlUlllnou Coal Comml88lon, National. Bet. Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. BlttUlllno_ Coal COIlBer..tlo.. Ad 011935, repeal of_________________________ _ BIMk .... Law, appro!>riation for en- forcement ________________________ _ I~DEX Page 419 268 149 769 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., re- IUnqllillhment of certain lands held for reclamation purposes to; expenditure authorized _______________________ _ Black River, Ark. and La., improvement authorized _______________________ _ Black River, WI.., improvement author- ~e d _________ _________ _________ __ _ Pqo 848 848 805 Blair, Barry W •• restrictions lCSpecting certain counsel waived in favor of. __ 76 Blind: Adult, appropriation for books for ___ 183, 215 Inerease in annual appropriation ___ _ 72 83 Aid to, grants to States ________ - -- - _ __ 345 77 Postage, special rau.s provided for cer- 78 tain publications for ------ - - - - - -- 76 Beeing~ye dogs, etc.. accompanYUng, 81 free transportation permitted_____ 475 Biliter KUlt Control, appropriation for ___ 417 90 Blae Kldle Parkway. appropriation for t:ontinuing construction____________ _ Board of Tn Appeallil. appropriation for __ Boeal RIYer, LA., examination authorized_ 88 Boller Inspection and Keplatloa, D. C . 90 Bee District of Columbia. 608 331 878 90 Bollyl.. appropriation for minister to_ ___ 263 90 BoWnl Field, D. C•• appropriation for im- provements_______________________ 452 90 Boise Project, Idaho, appropriation for 87 operation, etc ___________________ 593,595 72 91 567 74 89 86 91 83 88 85 91 89 75 86 90 00 296 Bonneville ProJect: Accounts of operation8; report to Con- gress __________________________ _ Administration, appropriation for ____ _ Contracts and purchases. __ . ________ _ Definition8 _________________________ _ Electric energy, disposal of ___________ _ Negotiation of contracts for sale at wholesale for resale or direct consumption _________________ _ preferences ______________________ _ Rates, preparation of schedule; ap- proval __________________ - - - __ _ Determination with regard to lact that power created as incident to dam construction ________ . Personnel; experts, salary restriction __ Purposes d~ciared _____ ______ _____ __ _ Receipts covered Unto Treasury; fund for emergency, etc., expenses ____ _ Suits authorized ___________________ - - Borda)" Henr),. appropriation authorized for payment to France for account of_ Appropriation for _________________ -- Boaton, MUll.: Appropriation fol'- Hydrographic office expenscs _______ _ Pneumatic-tube service ____________ _ Harbor, examUnation authorized ______ _ Improvement authorized ______ - - __ _ 736 764 735 733 732 734 733 735 735 736 731 736 736 129 768 118 161 851 845