Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/965

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INDEX Contln,ent Expenses-Continued. Pare .\ ppropriation for-Continued. House of Representatives______ . _. 177 Interior, Department.of__ . ___ .__. __ 565 Justice, Department oL _____ . _. .. _. 273 Labor, Department of_________ . _._ 298 Library of Congress ___ .. _________ ._ 183 Navy Department ________________ 97.117 Post Office Department. __ __ _ __ _ .. __ 156 Senate__ .' ____________ .... __ . ____ 173 State, Department of ____ .... __ . .... 262 Foreign .Service ____ ... __ . ___ ___ 265 Treasury Department ______ . _... _.. 138 War Department __ - _... __ .... _. _. 443 Deficiency appropriation (01' - DiI;~.rictol Columbia______ . ___ . _.. 12.217 House of Representatives _____ .. . .. . 9 Justice, Department of. __ . _... _ . 223. 765 State, Department of ____ . .. _ . _.. __ 768 Foreign Service_ _ _ _____________ _ 228 Treasury Department- Account~ and Deposits, Office of COttOIl: Appropriation for- Diseases. investigations ________ . ... Futures and Standards Acts, adminill- tration_________ . _. _. Ginning investigations ___ . _ _ .. _ Grade and staple statilltics, collec- tion ___________ . ____ .. _.... _. Insect controL ___________ . _.. ' _.. _ Sea Island, experimentation ill __ .... Classification of, authorized upon re- quest by producer groups _______ . Collection and publication of informa- tion on supply, demand, market prices, etc _________________ . _. Cottoft Ad, 19M, appropriation for refund of taxes erroneously, etc., collected under___________________________ _ Cotton Producers, funds available for price adjustment payment to _____ .. __ Counterfeitln" appropriation for sup- pression of __________ . ____________ _ Commissioner of ______ . . _... ) 4 Countr, Bospital, Sh.DC~al, Chin.. pay- Coast Guard __________________ . . 14 ment to. ___ . ______ . _____________ . Continuous Dlschar,e Book. See Seamen. Contractors. See Government Contractors. Convention Relatln, to Liquor In Africa, appropriation for contribution. 2118 Cooperative Farm Forestry Act: Federal cooperation in development ill States and Territories _____ . __ ._ Appropriation authorized _____ . _. _.. 188 18R COUDt, Committees. See Bankhead- Jones Farm Tenant Allt. Couts. See Justice. Department of; United States Courts. Courts Martial: I flvestigation before trial. _____ _____ _ _ Review provisions modified __________ _ Crai, Barbor. Alaska, examination au- thorized_. ____________ . __ __ _ __ _ . __ Coosa River, bridge authorized acrosB, at Ferry, Ala_______________ _ Coos Bay W.,on Road Lands: ConflCrvation management of timber- '1.7 Crater Lake National Park, Ore••, ap- propriation for administration, etc _ . _ Crawford County. Iowa. t .ransfer of, from BOuthern to nortbern judicial dill- lands under Federal jurisdiction .. _ 874 Classification of lands for agricultural purposes; restoration to entry _ . _ 875 Cooperative agreements authorized_ _ k74 Grazing, lease of land for; usc of re- ceipts _______ . . . . .. _.... _.. __ 875 Payment of portiun of proceeds from 88lcs of. _____________ .. _... _. .. 221. t. iO CopyriChts: Protection of foreign, at- Golden Gate Intenlationa! Exposition_ 211 New York World's Fair 1939_ . __ .._ 254 trict. __ .. __________ . __________ ___ _ Credit Union Act. Federal, Amendment, space in Federal buildings for credit unions ________________________ . . __ Crescent City Harbor. CaUl., improve- ment authorized _____________ . __ ... Crescent Lake, FIL, examination of water- way from, authorized ___________ ! _ . Crimes aDd Misdemeanors. See al80 Criminal Code. AIll8ka, establishment. etc., of native reindcer industry; penalty pro- XXI PlII'e 426 423 426 417 408 liZ 230 762 147 769 724 724 80li 604 474 487 R49 Corkscrew R¥fer (Horse Creek). FIL . ex- amination authorized ____________ . . _ visions ________________ . ______ 901,902 ('orDlsh. Melven, compensatiol1 for serv- ices _____________________________ . CorDucopia Harbor, Wis., improveme:lt authorized. ________________ • ______ _ Corozal General Depot, Pallama, cen- struction at, authorized ______ . __ _ _ _ Corpus Christi, Tex., examination au- thorized for protection of_______ .___ Cosla Rica, appropriation for minister to_ 878 5~9 S48 l-l54 263 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, penalty provisions_ ____ ____ _____ _ 531 Bank robbery statute, burglary and larceny added_ ___ ___ ______ _____ _ 749 Callal Zone. air navigation regulations, penalty for violation_____________ 486 Canal Zone. See Canal Zone. Code Amendments. Continuous dischal'Ke books, unlawful acts _____ ._. __ . _____________ . __ 50, 51