Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/966

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XXIl IllllJEX Crimes aael Mlademeanors--Contil.ued. I'are Crimes and MisclemeaDors--Continued. Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, pen- Copyrightl'l, infringement of, foreign exhibitors, Gllden Gate Interna- alty provisions___ - __ - - - ___ - _____ 316 iional Expositiou ________________ _ New York World's Fair _________ . . _ Crop production lORDS, unlawful acts in 213 255 Ik-ceivership, etc., proceedings, appoint- ment of certain persons &8 receivers prohibited, penalty __________ . __ _ 810 connection \\ith ________________ _ DIstrict of Columbia: Alcoholic Beverage Control Act., Amendments, penalty provision_ Blindness, prevention of, in infantl; 7 Red-cedar shingles, collection and pub- lication of statistics on, penalty provisions______________________ 205 803 Sugar Act of 1937, penalty provisions_ 915,916 born iu; penalty provisions ____ _ 120 Busincss privilege tax, penalty pro- visions ______________________ - Criminal Coele. See al.o Crimes and Mis- demeanors. Amelldmenlr- Death penalty, State law to govern Embezzlement, etc ________________ _ 691 629 628 628 629 manoer of infliction __ ___ ____ ___ 304 False pretenses _________ - - - - __ - ___ _ Exemption from limitation on counscl- Grand larceny ____________ - __ .-__ _ Blair, Harry W., employmtlot of ____ 805 Larceny after trust _________ - ___ __ _ Motor vehicles, rcgistraUon of, un- lawful acts __________________ - Petit larceny; order of reatitution ___ _ Potatoes, marking of grade on pack- age, etc.; penalty provision ____ _ Property, mO"able, malicious burning, etc _________________________ _ Real estate brokers, ete., regulation, penalty provisions ___________ -- Trees, malicious cutting down or de- 8troying ______________________ _ Vending machines, unauthorizc-d uee, manufacture, etc., of tokens; penalty _____________________ _ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 19.17, false statements to defrll.ud, penalty _______________________ _ Helium, exrJOrt provilliona or regula- tions, penalty for violation ______ _ Housing Act of 1937, United States, penalty provisions ______________ _ Interstate Commerce Act, Amendment, installation of safety systems, pen- alty for violation _______________ _ Mmihuall& Tax Act of 1937, penalty 682 628 626 629 Smelter - fumes controversy, Trail, B. C ________________________ _ Crisfield Harbor, Md., improvement au- thorized _________________________ _ Criss1 Field, Canr., restriction on WI8 of funds for expenses incident to usc of_ Crooked Riyer RaD,e Lllhthoase Reser- vatioD. FIL, conveyance of strip to State ___________________________ _ 797 Crop and Uvestock Estimates, appropria- tion for collecting, etc., data.••••. .• 629 Crop Prodaction LoaD.. 1937. See 663 356 887 899 837 Farmers. Cro. IDdi. . Reservation, MODt.; Appropriation for- Flood control...•• _•.. _. __ • _. _ ••. . Irrigation system, maintenance, etc_. Elimination of certain land from •• _. __ _ CITatai Cne, Ky., exclusion from Mam- moth Cave National Park authorized. Caba; Appropriation for- Ambassador to __ ••• _•••• _ __ . • _. __ _ Monuments, etc., to American sol- diers, maintenance ____ . • _. . __ • • Ordnance and supplies, sale of, to Gov- provisions__ • __ __ _ __ _ . _' _'" ____ [,:;6 eroment, provisions repeaied; efJec- Narcotic laws, punishment of second, tivedate____ .._.. ________ "" ._ third, and aubsequent offenders_ _ _ 627 Sugar Act of 1937, basis of determlna- Ncuirality Act of 1935, Amendmcutl;_ _ 122, tion of quota under _____________ _ 124,126,128 Liquid sugar, quota established __ • . Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1937, Cacamon,a Creek, Callr., examination penalty provisions. __ __ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ 328 authorized. _ __ _ • _____ _____ _____ __ _ Patents, infringement of, foreign cxhib- CaliOD, P.I., appropriation for transfer of itors, Golden Gate International lepers to, from Guam _____________ _ Exposition_____________________ 213 Camberlanel Coant)', N. J., examination New York World's Fair____________ 255 of inland waterway through, author- Perishable Agricultural Commodities izeeL ___________________________ _ Act, 1930, Amendments; penalty Camberlaad River, Teu.. examination for counterfeiting, etc., certificate authorized ______________________ _ of inspection__ ______ __________ __ 731 Customa aad PateDt Appeals, Court ot Philippine Ialands, High Commissioner I See Justice, Department of. to, fal5e statements, ete., in oath Castom.. claa~nce of vesstlis, at certain before. penalty___ _ _____________ 62 [ ports, at lIIght, Sundays, etc _______ _ 198 846 i56 667 424 580 578 884 871 263 515 126 905 008 07 852 87:1 303