Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/975

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Executive Departments-Continued. Disburaing ofticera, credits allowed in accounts for certain payments in fiscal yeara 1934, 1935 __________ _ Employees, detail of. to Office of Presi- dent__________________________ _ Exchange of used parts of certain equip- ment authorized ______________ - - _ Gulden Gate International Exposition, cooperation by _________________ _ Government-owned establishments, obligation of funds fur wurk at, authorized ____________________ _ Greater Texas and Pan American Expo- sition, cooperation by ___________ _ ~etered services, payment for _______ _ New York World's Fair, cooperation by_ Oaths of office, renewals not required incertaincases_. _______________ _ Pacific Mercado, participation by, authorized __________________ . __ _ Pan American Exposition, cooperation by ____________________________ _ Printing and binding, payment for ___ _ Estimates to be included in single item in Budget_______ .. _ __ - ___ _ Shipments of valuables by. See Gov- ernment Losses in Shipment Act. Standards, Bureau of, scientific investi- gations for, by; transfer of funds __ Tax Evasion and Avoidance, Joint Committee on, utilization of facil- ities by _____________________ . __ Travel expenses of civilians when trans- ferred; restriction ______________ -_ Elecuth'e OlBee. See Independent Of- fices. Executive Orders. See President of the United States.. Experiment Stations, Office 01. See Agri- culture, Department of. Elport-Import BallLa 01 Washington, D. C.: Continuation of, until June 30,1939. __ Authority to incur obligation!!_ . ___ . Funds continued available for _. Elport IDdastries, appropriation for in- vestigations and reports___________ . Exports, appropriation for certification, plants, etc_________ • _ __ - __ __ __ __ _ _ EItensioD 01 Appropriations Act, 1938: Appropriations lor last fiscal year con- tinued for certain unprovided (or operations __________________ - ... Appropriation of nece88&ry Slims for tirat half of July 1937___ . __ .. _ Proportionate amounts only t.., be expended ________ . __ .. _____ _ Availability of appropriatioll"_ . __ _ Extension of, last half of July 1937 ___ . _ l~I>EX XXXI 624 330 64 490 245 59 119 494 640 835 832 185 185 290 254 163

5 348 286 418 468 468 468 469 614 F Fairhaven Harbor. l\Iass., improvement authorized.. __________ • ___________ _ Fairport Hubor, Ohio. improvement au- thorized_________________________ _ Fajardo Harbor, Puerto Rico, examination authorized_______________________ _ Farm Credit Ad 01 1933, Amendments: Banks for cooperatives, loans by, to c0- operative &ll8ociations ___________ _ Central Bank for Cooperatives, powera, etc., conferred ______ . __ _ __ _ __ __ _ Production credit corporations, location, etc_______________ •• ___ _ • __ _ __ _ Farm Credit Act 011937: ARriculturai Marketing Act, Amend- mente-- Farm Credit Admini8tration, &ale of property acquired on account of loana _______________________ _ Revolving fund, designated funds cov- ered into____________________ _ "Debenture" defined ________________ _ District direetora, ef,c, , suspension and removal _______________________ _ Emergency Farm Mo,-tgage Act of 1933, Amendments- Land Bank Commissionl'r, loans by- JoiDt-atock land banks, amount aVailable for loana to________ _ Nonagriculturlil purposes, refinanc- ing indebtedness incurred lor __ Deferment of principal payments Fano Credit Act of 1933, Amcndmenta- Banks for cooperatives, loans by, to cooperative associations _______ _ Central Bank for Cooperath'es, pow- era, etc., eonferred _______ • ___ _ _ Production credit corporations, loca- tion, etc____________ . _____ ___ _ Farm credit distril'tII, lIumber, bounda- ries, etc _____ • _________________ _ Board, composition, selection, etc. __ _ Powers________________________ _ Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendmente-- Farm loan associationlt- Associations formed of ten or more borrowera _________________ _ Common board of directora be- twcen two or more __________ _ Directora, terms of office modified __ Failure to meet obligations; ap- pointment of conservator ____ _ Loans, agreement to service be- tween local &/I8O<'iationl __ • ___ _ Loans where 8tock impaired. __ __ _ _ Prospective borrowers, electiun of __ Pan 845 849 e55 717 717 708 717 718 718 707 703 708 708 717 717 708 704 704 706 711 710 710 713 713 711 710