Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/978

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XXXIV Federal S1lbslstence Homesteads Corpo- raUon, former employees transferred to Department of the Interior, salary adjustment ______________________ _ Federal Surplus Ccmmoc1ities Corpora- tion: Continuation of, until June 30, 19a9__ _ Fishing industry, purchase and distribu- tion of products of, authorized ___ _ Funds made available for __________ _ Feeleral Trade Comml_on: INDEX Page 1 Fisheries Commiaalon, International. ap- propriation for share of exrCIII,t.·! ! _. Filihing Bay, Mel., improvement allthor- ized ____________________________ _ Fisbing Creek, Mel., improvement. au - thorized _________________________ _ 323 Fishing Industry, purchase and distribu- tion of products of, by }o'ederal Sur- plus Commodities Corporation, au- 27 61 thorized_________________________ _ Jo'ullds made alvaiIable for ___________ _ Pa&'e 271 846 846 27 61 Appropriation for _ _ _ _ ____________ _ 135, 335 Fitzsimons General Hospital, Colo., eon- Antitrust Act, amendmcnt, resale price maintenance cont.racts legalized where lawful in intrastate transac- tions __________________________ _ Feahollowa,. River, Fla., examination au- thorized _________________________ _ 'ertiUser Investigations, appropriation for ___________________________ . .. Field Artille'lJ', Chiel 01_ See War De- partment_ Field Artiller,. Sehool. appropriation for expenses ______ . ______ .._._- ___ _ FIUplnos: Anny, reenJistment of, serving on July 1, 1937 _____________ ~----------- Coast Guard, wai vcr of residence re- quirements after ccrtain servicc in. Emigration from United States, time extended for making applicatiou for ___________________________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Filled Milk Act, appropriation for ell- forcement. ___ ... _______________ _ Finance Department. See War Depart- ment. Finandal Institutions. insurance of. Set National Housing Act, Amendmentso Fine Arts, Commission of: Appropriation for _________________ ° • Albert Gallatin statuC', designation of site for _______________________ _ National Galler.,.o of Art, appro\OIlI of plans by _____ . ____________ ,__ Finlanel: Appropriation for minister to ______ , __ Delaware River Valley Terccntenary, invitation to participate _______ ._. Fire Island Inlet, N. Y ., improvement, au- thnrizcd _______________________ .. First Aasistant Postmaster General, or- fice 01. See Post Office Department. First Deftdency Appropriation Act, filical year 1937 ____________ _ Firtko, John, payment of clailll ________ _ Fisheries, Burean 01. See also Com- merce, Department of. Northern Pacific Halibut Ad of 1937, eufofC'clJltwt of pro\Oisi.,lIs hy ___ ._ 693 853 415 459 696 548 165 13 567 200 52 263 813 S45 18 IItruction at, authorized ___________ _ Five CiviUzeel Tribes, Olda.: Appropriation for education, ___ , __ _ _ _ SlIits under Jllrilldictional Acts, Court of Claims, amendments to peti- tions permitted __________ . . _____ _ Five-Year Level-Premium Term Policies, renewals for further period ________ _ Flandreau, S. Dak., appropriation for education of Indians ______________ _ FlatheBd Indian Reservation, Mont.: Appropriation for flood controL ______ _ Irrigation system, mailltcnall(;e, etc._ Flathead River, Mont.. examination au- thoril:ed _____________________ _ Flood Control: Appropriation for ____________ . ____ .._ Contributions from States, acceptance of _______ . __________ _____ .. ____ _ Flood Control Act of 1936, AmendmeDt8: Conn(>cticut River Valley reservoir system, plans modified __________ _ Debris, amullnt a\'ailah1c for remo\'ai of.___-r--.--------.

Los Angell's Slid San Gubriel Rivers, Califo, pruject extended _________ _ Memphis, Telln., flood protection proj- ect authorized _________ - _____ __ _ Ohio River Basin. COIINtruction of le\'ee8, floodwaUIl, etco, authorized_ Rescrvoir system for protection oC Pittsburgh ___________________ _ Prdilllinary examinatiuns fI.uthorized, additional __ . ____ . . _____________ _ Rlln-off and water-Iiow retardation, surveys authorized for __________ _ State, etco, cooperation, eOllclitiuus to ext('Ill!ion of benefits ____________ _ WiJlamette River, tributarietl added __ _ Ynwo Rivcr project, modification au- thorized ____________ , __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Flood Relief. Bpi! mIlO Disaster Loan Corporatioll, lIt'alth und sanitatiun acth'itiel>, allo- cation of relit·f fUllds for ________________ __________ . Florida: Appropriation for snpport., ('tC', , of 650 241 580 578 879 517 518 204 Si7 167 881 876 95 8i7 877 880 21 a:!7 Indians __ _ ___ __ __ __ .. ______ . 575,590