Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/985

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Baklt Ad, appropriation for aUotmenta under________ . ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ BaYerbJD, M ...., bridge authorized acroaa Merrimack River, to Groveland.. ___ _ HawalL Se. tJl80 Hawaiian Homes Com- mission Act of 1920, Amendments. Appropriation for- Agrioultural experiment stations ____ _ Extension service_______________ _ Contingent expenaes ______________ _ Governor and secretary, sMarics ____ _ National park administration, etc_ .. _ Territorial court__________________ _ Vocational education _____________ _ Vocational rehabilitation, persons dis- abled in industry ___________ . __ Ban:':bead-Jones Farm Tenant Act. eX\.!lnsion of provisions to________ _ Bond issues, amendment by Legiadatllre authorized ____________________ _ Exchange of certain lighthouse sites, Island of Maul, authorized ______ . }I'ort Shafter, construction at, author- ized _______________________ .___ Maui, Island of, exchange of certain lighthouse sites authorized _______ _ Public improvements, issuance of bonds for, authorizedj maturity, et.c _ __ _ _ Legislative acts confirmed _________ _ Public works, issuance of bonds for, authorized _____________________ _ Schofield Barracks, construction at, au- thorized. _____________ .. ________ _ Transfcr of portion of sito for post office construction ____________ _ Sewer bonds, iB8uance authorized j 8JDount _______________________ . Maturity, etc.j confirmation of legis- lath'e acts __________________ . Slum clearance and housing, establish- mi!nt of public corporate authority authorized_ ____ ___ __ _ ____ . ___ _ Bonds authorizedj not to constitute public indcbtednC88 __________ _ Lcgislaf.ive acts confirmed ________ _ Rugar Act of 1937, basis of determina- tion of quota under_________ .._ Tripier General Hospital, conRtruction at, authorized ___________ ... ___ _ Hawaiian Home. Commhlllion Act of 1920, Amendn'len1s: Hawaii, lands added to jurisdiction of Comlllillldon ____________________ . of land!', maximum areaj comli- tiolls imposed _________________ _ Loan r.ontractsj amortizationj death of borrower_________________ _ Insurance of property, etc _______ _ RucOO88ion of interests of deceased J~ _____________________ _ 1:!~1I'il·--37--6J INDEX xu p ... 398 168 398 400 613 613 605 277 610 fill 532 211 632 861 632 508 509 509 Bawal_ 80••• CommJaalon Act oll.JO. Ame.dme.te-Ccmtinued. Water and other development projects, construction authorized __________ _ Bonda authorized __________ . _ Bawall Natloaal Park. appropriation for 507 507 administration, etc______ ____ __ __ __ _ 605 Beadqaarten Prerialonal Bri,ade and W..hIaltO. Quarterm..ter Depot. D. C•• construction at, authorized___ 861 HeaUDI Arta Practice .\ct. See District of Columbia. Healtb and Sanitation Actlvntles. t100U~ stricken areas, allocation of rolicf funds for, authorized___________ _ ______ 21 Hearn. Creek, MeL. examination au- thorized__________________________ 852 HeUam: Appropriation for procurem:. -nt.. ___ __ . f55 Conservation, etc., of __ _ ___ __ __ 884 Exports, restriction on _____ . _ ______ 887 Penal provisions______ ____ ___ __ __ . 887 Plants, operation and J",aintenance of _ 886 Production and sale; restrictions_ __ __ d86 Rcqtlisitions by ArrJ'Y, Navy, etc____ 886 Secretary of the In/;erior, powers of_ _ 885 Mines, Bun~au of, tranaler of sums for acquisition, by War and Navy Departments__________________ 111,602 Hendr, Creek. Fla., examination au- thorized _______ .. . ___ __ ___ __ .. __ 878 861 Henry, WilHam IL, payment of elaim_ _ __ 18 BernlUldo De Solo, commemoration of 774 landing. See Pan AmeriC3n Exposi- tion. 507 Herrbtl Ba,. Md., examination of ehanMI to, authorized __ . __ _ _ _______________ 852 507 Hickam Field, Ba.all, appropriation for improvements_ ____ ______ ______ __ __ 452 Hi,b Comml8lll0ner to PhlUppfa. IlIIlUIds. 508 See Philippine Islands. HUisboro Rlyer. Fla.. ellamination au- 508 tborized __________ . - _____________ 853 508 Hilo Harbor. Hawali. examination au- thorized__ ____ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ ______ 855 90'\ Hiwassee Dam, appropriation for eOll- tinuing construction .. __ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ 217 861 Ho, Cholera Control, appropriation for__ 405 Ho, IslaDd. Va., examination of channels at and near, authorh:ed____________ 852 Holabird Quartermuter Depot, Baltl- 497 mrwe. Md., Bale of part to General Motors Corp., authorized__________ 206 504 Holdin, CompaDiea, tax on. See Income Tax. 505 Home EeoaomJca, Bureau ot St.e Agri- 506 culture, Department of. Home Loa. Saak Board. See Federal 504 Home Loan Rank Board.