Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/990

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XLVI INIIEX I.lerlor. Department of-Colltinut'd. l'aaKe • Interior, Department or·-- Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Geological Survey _ - _ ('.corge Rogers Clnrk & ...quk<:!lIh·III1ial Commlssiunc - - - - - Govemment in thc TcrriturieA_ Alaska_ _______ __ _ Equatorial and Routh Sea Mands __ HawalL _______ -

-- -- -- --- -- Puerto Rican Hurricane RelieL ___ _ Virgin Islands ________

-- __ .. __ Grazing, Division of ______ .. . .. _____ _ HO\\'ard University _____ -_ - .- __ _ Indian Affairs, Bureau of. ___ -. _ _ _ Annuities and per capita pt,yments Conservation of health __ _ Construction and repair __ - Education. __ General ,1IUPi,,- ,l ·t and,istra- tion _______ . Indian lunds __ _ Industrial 88HiRtall(,C and advRnce- DlcnL ____ -- -- - Irrigation and draillage _____ _ Roads and bridges_ ___ __ -__ Water supply, developmelltof. _ Investigatior.s, Division of___ _ Mines, Bureau of____ - -- _- --- Helium prod3ction, etc_________ . . _ InvestigatiollB, ete ______ - - - _____ - Mount RU8hmore National Mt:morilll COnunbldon _______________ _ Nstional Bit,un~noU8 Coal COmmis- aion ________________ - - ___

Consumers' COunsel _____ - - - - -. -- National Park Service ____ _ Forest fire prevention, etc _____ -_ HiBtoric site. and buildinltH_ - _ .___ Monuments, administration, etc __ _ Roads And trails _______ -- _- Water rights, illvestigatioll and purchase 01. _____ - Pt·troleum Conservation Divisioll ___ _ Frinting and binding_____ - __ - ___ _ ReclaDlation, Bureau of __ ---____ -- Saint Eliz&beths Hospital ____ - ___ " Secretary, Office of. __ _ -_- --_ Solicitor, Office 01. __ _ __ _ _ _ - _- _ Territori(18 and Island POSIR'ssions, Division 01. ________ _ War Minerals Relief ConIlIlL"II<iulI __ Deticit' appropriation for-- 597 567 611 611 614 613 613 613 565 61~.


590 584 51'9 5sll ' I .iSIiI


574 576 f1s9 5f;5 6()O 602 600 .;67 567 568 603 607 60S 60fj 608 608 568 566 592 614 1)64 564 .i6.'; 568 Audited claima_ _ _ __ _ _ 235, 778, 781 Damage claims____ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I), 23?, 775, 776 Education, Office oL______ __ _ __ 223.76;. Freedmen's HospitaL___ _ ___ _ 223 ("rencral I~"Jld Office _ _ _ _ 221 , Go\-erlllnt'nt ill tile Territoril"L ___ 223.71);) I h.diall Affairs. Bureau of. _ _ _ _ _ 221. 76:1 : Deficiency appropriat iUIl fur-C('ntli. JudgnlelltR __________ . _________ _ l\-lincs, Burl'all of. ___ . ___ _ National Park Scrvice _____ _ Reclamation, Hurl'lUI of __ . __ RE-cretary, Officc of __ _ 771 764 222, 764 76'. 763 Potomac and Anaco~tia Rin'rs, scttlemt·nt of land cluim:< alung shoresoL _____________ _ 763 War Minerals Relit·f CuulIllission._, _ 12,221 .- \('fial photographs fur mapping proj- "I~ts, furnishing liy War and Navy i><'partments on request of Secre- tary ____ ____ . . ______________ _ _

\ !uska, new appointe!'s, ..t ~'., t r:l H·ling

rxpclISCS allowed __ .__. ___ _ ___ _ U('indC('r industry, pn's('f\'atiuu of II&- tiVt~ character of; adminiHtrtltion uf provisious hy _____________ _ ,\pproprintioll3 and authority mad" availahle from July I, 1937; in- curred obligations ratifiecL _______ _ Arch Hurley Conservancy District, N. Mclt., construction of reclamation llroject authorizrd ______ • _____ _ . Hlnckfcl"t Indian Rescrvation. Mont., rl"Jinquishmcnt of ccrt-ain lands hl"l<I for reclamation purposes to; I"X- Pl"lllliture authorizro _________ _ Bramhlct. Cordy, com·t'yance of certain IRudto____ ,. ________________ _ Cl\hinct Gorge, Columbia River, hydro- I"leetric power surveys directed ___ _ Cape Hatteras Natiollal Seashore, estah- Iisliml"ut, ete_____ . ___________ __ Cl'lltrsl Heating Plant, furnishing of stt'am to buildings on Judiciary Square, D. C_ _ _ _. _ ._.. ___ _ n·ntral Valley projcct, Calif., jurisdic- tion transferred to, from War De- \,Ilrtllll'ut _______________ _ CiackallllUl County, Oreg., coTlvcyance of lands to, for park purposes __ ... Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Oreg., cOlIst'rvation managl'mcnt of timherlands under Federal jurisdir.- tion _______________________ _ Dishursing officers, oubsistence honlt!- IItI- .adll, credit in accounts of ____ _ F.·deral Subsistence Homesteads Cor- poration, former t'mployees trnnH- ferr('ci to, salary adjustment. _ __ _ _ Field employees, Indian eervice, funds available for supplies __ • _______ _ .. (:r,H ,,1 Coul('(' Dam project, prevention lOr .. peculation ill prOllpectively irri- Ita 101 I. '! hUids in cOllnection with; ael- mil,i"tration of prn\"i.~iun; by. __ 599 5!)I til6 557 864 747 638 8:)11 S·h) 874 620 871