Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/47

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Cuba: JosE MANUEL CORTINA, RAM6N ZAYDIN, CARLOS MRAQUEZ STERLING, RAFAEL SANTOS JIMENEZ, CESAR SALAYA, CALIXTO WHITMARSH, JosE MANUEL CARBONELL. Who, after having deposited their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows: Intervention in Article 1.- The High Contracting Parties declare inadmissible the affairs of another, inadmissibility de intervention of any one of them, directly or indirectly, and for what- cl ared. ever reason, in the internal or external affairs of any other of the Parties. Mutual consulta- The violation of the provisions of this Article shall give rise to tion in case of viola- tion. mutual consultation, with the object of exchanging views and seeking methods of peaceful adjustment. Submission of ques- Article 2. -It is agreed that every question concerning the inter- tions to conciliation procedure, etc. pretation of the present Additional Protocol, which it has not been possible to settle through diplomatic channels, shall be submitted to the procedure of conciliation provided for in the agreements in force, or to arbitration, or to judicial settlement. Ratification. Article 3.- The present Additional Protocol shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in conformity with their respective Deposit of original, constitutional procedures. The original instrument and the instru- etc. ments of ratification shall be deposited in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic which shall communicate the Effective date. ratifications to the other signatories. The Additional Protocol shall come into effect between the High Contracting Parties in the order in which they shall have deposited their ratifications. Duration. Article 4.- The present Additional Protocol shall remain in effect Denunciation. indefinitely but may be denounced by means of one year's notice after the expiration of which period the Protocol shall cease in its effects as regards the party which denounces it but shall remain in effect for the remaining Signatory States. Denunciations shall be addressed to the Government of the Argentine Republic which shall notify them to the other Contracting States. signatures. In witness whereof, the above mentioned Plenipotentiaries sign the present Additional Protocol in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French and hereunto affix their respective seals, at the City of Buenos Aires, Capital of the Argentine Republic, on the twenty-third day of the month of December, nineteen hundred and thirty-six. Argentina: CARLOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS, ROBERTO M. ORTIZ, MIGUEL ANGEL CARCANO, Jos] MARfA CANTILO, FELIPE A. ESPIL, LEOPOLDO MELO, ISIDORO RUIZ MORENO, DANIEL ANTOKOLETZ, CARLOS BREBBIA, CESAR DfAz CISNEROS. 44 TREATIES