Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1122

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 797-OCT. 9 , 1940 [CHAPTER 797] October9,1940 iJOINT RESOLUTION [8. J. Res. 267] Providing for the acquisition by the Railroad Retirement Board of data needed in [Pub. Res., No. 102] carrying out the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Acts. Railroad Retire- Whereas complete records of all service and compensation which may ment Board. Preamble. be creditable toward benefits under the provisions of the Railroad 50 Stat.307;49Stat. Retirement Act of 1937 and the Railroad Retirement Act of 1935 46 U. . c., Supp. are required for the administration of said Acts; and V, *215-z28r. Whereas such records with respect to service prior to January 1, 1937, are largely in the possession of employers subject to said Acts and are constantly subject to the danger of loss or destruction; and Whereas the loss or destruction of such records would jeopardize the establishment of the rights of individuals to annuities based in whole or in part on such prior service and would otherwise severely and permanently impede and impair the administration of said Acts, and the danger of loss or destruction presents a serious emer- gency; and Whereas the prompt transcription, compilation, and filing with the Railroad Retirement Board of such records will remove the data contained therein from the danger of their loss or destruction and will make them expeditiously and permanently available for neces- sary operations of the Railroad Retirement Board and will result in a more efficient and economical administration of the said Acts: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Collectons etc. , by States of America in Congress assembled, That each employer oy of desig- nted dat forsoard. subject to the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, and each other com- pany, association, or person (hereinafter referred to as the "other company") who is in possession of such data as are hereinafter described, shall immediately begin collecting and shall furnish cur- rently as completed and not later than June 30, 1943, shall have com- pleted furnishing to the Railroad Retirement Board (hereinafter rorm . called "the Board") in such form as the Board may prescribe, certified reports of all data with respect to service and compensation prior to January 1, 1937, corresponding in substance with that which has heretofore been required by the Board for the adjudication of claims for annuities under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 and the Railroad Retirement Act of 1935 and which can be obtained from records in the possession of such employer or other company. Establshment of SEC. 2 . The Board is hereby authorized and directed to establish a uniform rate of pay- ment. uniform reasonable rate of payment to which employers or other companies are entitled for the furnishing of the reports required by section 1 of this joint resolution to be furnished which rate shall not result in payment to any employer or other company of any amount in excess of 50 cents multiplied by the aggregate number of man- years of service established and verified by such employer or other company and reported to the Board in accordance with section 1 of Certificdationo this joint resolution. The Board shall, from time to time, determine, ers and certify on proper voucher to the Secretary of the Treasury, the amount of payment due to each employer or other company pursuant cPrtsaton rorbid- to this section: Provided,however, That no payment shall be certified denin certaincases. or made with respect to any item in such reports as concerns the record of employees sixty-five years of age or over who have filed application for annuity, or with respect to any report not furnished on Payment. or before June 30, 1943. Upon such certification, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay such amount to such employer or other com- pany from the special fund hereinafter established. Whenever any employer or other company furnishes through any other employer or other company any report required by the first section of this 1088 [54 STAT.