Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1566

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2782 INDEX Lange, Otto F., correction of military Page record--------------------------- 1347 Larkin, P. J., credit in accounts of ------ 1348 Larkin, W. R ., substitution of designated amount as payment--------------- 1280 Larmour, Robert W., reimbursement for loss of personal property ----------- 1383 Lassly, Roy F., credit allowed in accounts of-------------------------- 1287,1352 Lavallie, Margaret, cancelation of depor- tation proceedings----------------- 1317 Lay, Anne Howard, payment of annuity to------------------------------ Leesburg Welding and Garage Company, payment to--------------------- LeGay, Charles H., reenlistment in Army authorized --------------------- LeGette, Curtis W. (Maj.), payment to-- LeMay, Curtis E. (lst Lt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------ Lewellyn, Drusilla, payment to--------- Lewellyn, Thomas, payment to--------- Lewis, Margaret R., payment to estate of- Lewis State Bank, Tallahassee, Fla., payment to------------------- Liberia, agreements with, respecting- Air navigation--------------------- Consular officers-------------------- Extradition __-- ------ ----- ------ - Friendship, commerce, and navigation- Lithuania, parcel post agreement with -- . Little, Dora, payment to-------------- Load Line Regulations, arrangement with Canada for reciprocal recognition of- Long, S. A., payment to ------------- Longacre, Clarence K. (2d Lt.), accept- ance of foreign decoration authorized- Looker, L. W., credit in accounts of ---- Lowery, Minnie, payment to --------- Lowery, Winell, payment to------------ Lusse, Frank H. (Lt. Col.), credit allowed in accounts of-------------------- Luxemburg: Neutrality of U. S. in war with Ger- many ------------------------- State of war with Germany, proclama- tion of------------------------ Lyon, Donald R. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------ M Madsen, Charles P., payment to-------- Maguire, Walter R., consideration of dis- ability claim---------------- Maier, Herbert, release from liability to make refund--------------------. Maki, E. V . (Mrs), payment to------- Malle, Clyde E., payment to -------- Mann, J. 8, payment to ---------- Mann, Julian S., payment to -------- 1320 1339 1244 1355 1260 1299 1299 1272 1287 2018 1751 1733 1739 2021 1397 230C 1351 126C 1329 130( 130( 139; 2704 270 126 135 127 137 139 134 135 136 I I i L ) laritime Day, National, 1 4v, deslgna- tion---------------------------- lark Twain National Forest, Mo., lands reserved and set apart as---------- larks, J. W . (Mrs.), jurisdiction of desig- nated courts to hear claim--------- 4arshall, George C. (Gen.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------- 4artin, Charles F., payment to guardian of_ iason, D. L ., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim -------------------------- Ylatheny, William A. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ---- vatteo, Bonao, payment to --

Mauri, Jose, admission for permanent residence ------------------------ vayfield, James George, consideration of disability claim ----------------- McCardle, E. J . (Mrs.), payment to----- McClaud, James, payment to heirs of---- McConoha, Guy A. (Mrs.), payment to-- McCracken, L. S., credit in accounts of-- McDaniel, Carl B. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------- McDougall, Francis G., payment to----- McDougall, Walter B., release from lia- bility to make refund -------------- McGivern, M. E ., payment to---------- McGowan, D. S ., payment to--------- McKee, Louise, jurisdiction of Court to hear claims ----------------------- McKee, Parker, Sr., jurisdiction of Court -, .. TV W-s- -lsama 1AP to hear claims-------------------- 1273 McQueen, Joe L., payment to---------- 1367 Meadows, Lonie, payment to----------- 1256 Meadows, Susie, payment to----------- 1256 Mediterranean Fruitfly Eradication, crea- tion of joint congressional committee to investigate losses--------------- 1406 Meffan, George A., payment to widow of- 1394 Metzger, Gottlieb (Mrs.), payment to--- 1272 Mexicano, Jose, deposit to credit of ----- 1394 Mexico, agreement with, respecting radio- broadcasting---------------------- 2483 Midyette, John, payment to ----------- 1351 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, closed areas under: Maryland----------.--------- 2628, 2682 Virginia -------------------------- . 2665 Washington ------------------------ 2756 Migratory Birds, regulations relating to -- 2615, 2661, 2729 Mihelich, Joseph, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim of estate -------------- 1276 Military Aviation Instructors, agreements with Argentina respecting----- 1813,2320 Military Aviation Mission, agreements respecting, with- Chile

--- - _ -- ,-- .--- --- 2282 Ecuador------------------------ 2437 Page 2700 2655 1320 1260 1365 1298 1260 1343 1318 1318 1309 1351 1357 1330 1260 1342 1379 1316 1351 1273