Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/676

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54 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOV. 17, 1938 Agreement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom November 17, 1938 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland respecting reciprocal trade. [E.A .s . No. 164 Signed at Washington November 17, 1938; proclaimedby the President of the United States November 25, 1938; effective provisionally, with the exception of article XI and Schedule III, as provided in article XXIV, on and after January 1, 1939; ratified by His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom September 18, 1939; proclamation and ratification exchanged at London November 24, 1939; supplementary proclamationby the Presidentof the United States December 6, 1939; entire agreement effective definitively December 24, 1939, as provided in article XXIII. And exchanges of notes. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it is provided in the Tariff Act of 1930 of the Congress of the United States of America, as amended by the Act of June 12, 1934, entitled "AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930" (48 Stat. 943), which amending Act was extended by Joint Resolution of Congress, approved March 1, 1937 (50 Stat. 24), as follows: "Sec. 350. (a) For the purpose of expanding foreign markets for the products of the United States (as a means of assisting in the present emergency in restoring the American standard of living, in overcoming domestic unemployment and the present economic depression, in increasing the purchasing power of the American public, and in establishing and maintaining a better relationship among various branches of American agriculture, industry, mining, and commerce) by regulating the admission of foreign goods into the United States in accordance with the characteristics and needs of various branches of American pro- duction so that foreign markets will be made available to those branches of American production which require and are capable of developing such outlets by affording corresponding market opportunities for foreign products in the United States, the President, whenever he finds as a fact that any existing duties or other import restrictions of the United States or any foreign country are unduly burdening and restricting the foreign trade of the United States and that the purpose above declared will be promoted by the means hereinafter specified, is authorized from time to time- "(1) To enter into foreign trade agreements with foreign gov- ernments or instrumentalities thereof; and "(2) To proclaim such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions, or such additional import restrictions, or such continuance, and for such minimum periods, of existing customs or excise treatment of any article covered by foreign Preamble. 19U. . c.. 1351- 1354; Supp. V, 1352. Ante, p. 107. 1897