Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/820

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54 STAT.] LITHUANIA-PARCEL POST-DEC. 4 , 28 , 1939 3. These accounts shall be sub- mitted to the examination of the corresponding Administration, if possible in the course of the month which follows the quarter to which they relate. The totals should not be summarily altered but any errors which may be dis- covered must form the subject of statements of differences. 4. The compilation, transmis- sion, verification, and acceptance of the accounts must be effected as early as possible, and the pay- ment resulting from the balance must be made at the latest before the end of the following quarter. 5. Payment of the balances due on these accounts between the two Administrations shall be ef- fected by means of drafts on New York, or in any other manner which may be agreed upon mu- tually by correspondence between the two Administrations, the ex- pense attendant on the payment being at the charge of the indebted Administration. B. COLLECT-ON-DELIVERY SERVICE. ARTICLE 24. Subject. 1. Parcels having charges to be collected on delivery shall be accepted for mailing to any money order post office in the United States of America or in Lithuania. 2. Collect - on - delivery parcels shall be accepted only when in- sured. 3. The provisions of the Articles 24-35 of this Agreement do not cover transit collect-on -delivery parcels. ARTICLE 25. Postage andJees. 1. Parcels bearing charges for collection on delivery shall be sub- ject to the postage rates, fees, conditions of mailing, and other formalities applicable to insured parcels without trade charges. The Administration of origin is entitled to collect from the sender 3. Sios saskaitos siunciamos ati- tinkamai Valdybai patikrinti, jei galima, begyje menesio sekancio po ketvirbio, kuriam saskaita pri- klauso. Bendriyji saskaitV sumos neturi bati kei6iamos, bet visos rastos klaidos turi bati prane§amos skirtumu santraukomis. 4. SaskaitV sustatymas, pasiun- timas, patikrinimas ir patvirtini- mas turi buti atliekama kaip galima greifiau, ir saskaitos lieka- na sumokama veliausiai pries se- kancio metV ketvircio pabaiga. 5. iuV saskaitu liekanq sumoke- jimas tarp abieju Valdybu atlieka- mas cekiais per Naujorka arba bet kuriuo kitu budu, del kurio abi Valdybos savitarpiai susira- sin6damos susitartV. Mok6jimo islaidas padengia skolingoji Val- dyba. B. ISPERKAMOJO MOKESIO SIUNTINIAI. 24 STRAIPSNIS. Dalykas. 1. Siuntiniai, kuriuos pristatant reikia isreikalauti mokescius, pri- imami pasiuntimui i kiekvien4 pasto istaiga su perlaidu opera- cijomis Lietuvoje arba Jungtinese Amerikos Valstybese. 2. Isperkamojo mokescio siun- tiniais priimami tik ivertinti siun- tiniai. 3. §ios sutarties 24-35 straip- sniu nuostatai neapima tranzitiniu isperkamojo mokescio siuntiniu. 25 STRAIPSNIS. Pasto mokestis ir rinkliavos. 1. Siuntiniams su igperkamuoju mokes6iu taikoma taikomieji jver- tintiems siuntiniams be iAperkamo- jo mokescio pasto mokesciai, rin- kliavos, priemimo sqlygos ir kiti formalumai. IDsiuntimo Valdyba turi teisL be atitinkamo pafto mokescio ir kitq rinkliavu iSiekoti Payment of bal- ances due. Parcels accepted. Postage and fees. Additional fee. 2041