Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/830

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54STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 ment, sous la d6nomination d'U- nion postale universelle, un seul territoire postal pour l'echange r6ciproque des correspondances. L'Union postale a 6galement pour objet d'assurer l'organisa- tion et le perfectionnement des divers services postaux interna- tionaux. ARTICLE 2. Adhesions nouvelles. Procedure. Tout Pays est admis en tout temps a adherer a, la Convention. L'adhesion doit etre notifiee par voie diplomatique au Gouverne- ment de la Confederation Suisse et par celui-ci aux Gouverne- ments de tous les Pays de 1'Union. ARTICLE 3. eluded form, under the name of Universal Postal Union, a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of correspondence. The purpose of the Postal Union is also to assure the organi- zation and perfection of the vari- ous international postal services. ARTICLE 2 New adhesions. Procedure Any country is permitted at any time to adhere to the Con- vention. Notice of the adhesion shall be given through diplomatic channels to the Government of the Swiss Confederation and by the latter to the Governments of all the coun- tries of the Union. ARTICLE 3 Purpose. Adhesions. Procedure. Convention et Arrangements Convention and Agreements of the de l'Union. Union Le service de la poste aux lettres est r6gl par les dispositions de la Convention. D'autres services, tels que ceux des lettres et des bottes avec valeur d6clar6e, des colis postaux, des mandats de poste, des virements postaux, des valeurs a recouvrer et des abonnements aux journaux et ecrits p6riodiques, font l'objet d'Arrangements entre Pays de 1'Union. Ces Arrangements ne sont obli- gatoires que pour les Pays qui y ont adhere. L'adh6sion a un ou plusieurs de ces Arrangements est soumise aux dispositions de l'article 2. ARTICLE 4. The regular-mail service is gov- erned by the provisions of the Convention. Other services, such as those of insured letters and boxes, parcel post, money orders, postal checks, collection orders, and subscrip- tions to newspapers and periodi- cals, form the subject of Agree- ments between countries of the Union. Such Agreements are binding only upon countries which have adhered to them. Adhesion to one or more of those agreements is subject to the provisions of Article 2. Regular-mal aerv- ice. Other services. Countries bound by Agreements. Adhesions. ARTICLE 4 Reglements d'execution. Les Administrations postales des Pays de 1'Union arretent d'un commun accord, dans des Regle- ments d'execution, les mesures d'ordre et de detail necessaires A l'execution de la Convention et des Arrangements. Regulations of Execution The Postal Administrations of Regulations of e- the countries of the Union draw c u'"on up, by mutual agreement, in the form of Regulations of Execution, the measures of order and detail necessary for the execution of the Convention and the Agreements. 2051