Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/833

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Limitation. 2.- La Convention ne s'appli- quera qu'aux Colonies, Territoires d'outre-mer, Protectorats ou Ter- ritoires sous suzerainet6 ou sous mandat au nom desquels des declarations auront 6te faites en vertu du § 1. Denunciation. 3.-Toute Partie contractante peut en tout temps adresser au Gouvernement de la Confedera- tion Suisse une notification en vue de denoncer l'application de la Convention , touts Colonie, tout Territoire d'outre-mner, Protecto- rat ou Territoire sous suzerainet6 ou sous mandat au nom duquel cette Partie a fait une declara- tion en vertu du § 1. Cette noti- fication produira ses effets un an apres la date de sa reception par le Gouvernement de la Conf6d&- ration Suisse. Transmission of 4.- Le Gouvernement de la copies of declarations, etc. Confederation Suisse communi- quera a toutes les Parties contrac- tantes copie de chaque declaration ou notification recue en vertu des §§1 3. Territory excluded. 5.-Les dispositions du present article ne s'appliquent a aucune Colonie, aucun Territoire d'outre- mer, aucun Protectorat ou Terri- toire sous suzerainet6 ou sous mandat qui figure dans le pre- ambule de la Convention. ARTICLE 10. Ressort de l'Union. Sont consideres comme apparte- nant a l'Union postale universelle: a) les bureaux de poste 6tablis par des Pays de l'Umon dans des territoires non compris dans l'Union; b) la Principaut6 de Liechten- stein, cornme relevant del'Adminis- tration des postes suisses; c) les Iles F&ro, comme faisant partie du Danemark, et le Groen- land, comme relevant de 1'Admi- nistrationdes postes duDanemark, en qualite de colonie danoiee; d) les Possessions espagnoles de la c6te septentrionale d'Afrique, comme faisant partie de l'Espagne; 2. The Convention will apply only to the colonies, oversea tern- tones, protectorates or territories under suzerainty or mandate in whose name declarations have been made by virtue of Section 1. 3. Any contracting party may at any time address to the Govern- ment of the Swiss Confederation a notification with a view to de- nouncing the application of the Convention to any colony, over- sea territory, protectorate or terri- tory under suzerainty or mandate in the name of which that party has made a declaration by virtue of Section 1. That notification will become effective one year after the date of its receipt by the Government of the Swiss Con- federation. 4. The Government of the Swiss Confederation will transmit to all the contracting parties a copy of every declaration or notification received by virtue of Sections 1 to 3. 5. The provisions of the present Article do not apply to any colony, oversea territory, protectorate or territory under suzerainty or man- date enumerated in the Preamble of the Convention. ARTICLE 10 Extent of the Union The following are considered as belonging to the Universal Postal Union: (a) The post offices established by countries of the Union in ter- ritories not included in the Union; (b) The Principality of Liech- tenstein, as belonging to the Postal Administration of Swit- zerland; (c) The Faeroe Islands as form- ing part of Denmark, and Green- land, as belonging to the Postal Administration of Denmark, in its capacity as a Danish colony; (d) The Spanish possessions on the north coast of Africa, as forming part of Spain; Extent of the Union. 2054