Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/843

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Release from re- sponsibility. Validity. 3. -Les Administrations sont degagees de toute responsabilit6 lorsqu'il est etabli que la livraison d'un envoi postal ou le payement d'un mandat a eu lieu sur la pr- sentation d'une carte d'identite regulibre. Elles ne sont pas, non plus, res- ponsables des consequences que peuvent entratner la perte, la soustraction ou l'emploi fraudu- leux d'une carte d'identit6 r6gu- litre. 4. -La carte d'identite est va- lable pendant trois ans Apartir du jour de son emission. TITRE III. DISPOSITIONS CONCER- NANT LES CORRESPON- DANCES POSTALES. CHAPITRE I. DISPOSITIONS GENPRALES. ARTICLE 33. Objets de correspondance. Articles of corre La denomination d'objets de spondene; defntion. correspondance s'applique aux let- tres, aux cartes postales simples et aveo r6ponse pay6e, aux pa- piers d'affaires, aux imprimes, aux impressions en relief A l'usage des aveugles, aux echantillons de mar- chandises, auz petits paquets et aux envois dits ,,Phonopost*. Small packets. Le service des petits paquets est limit6 aux pays qui conviennent de l'assurer dans leurs relations r6ciproques ou dans une seule direction. PROVISIONS CONCERNING POSTAL CORRESPONDENCE CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 33 Articles of correspondence The term articles of corre- spondence applies to letters, single and reply-paid post cards, com- mercial papers, prints, raised print for the blind, samples of merchan- dise, small packets, and Phono- post articles. The service of small packets is limited to the countries which agree to execute it in their re- ciprocal relations or in one direc- tion only. ARTICLE 34. Taxes et conditions gne6rales. 1. - - Les taxes d'affranchisse- ment pour le transport des objets de correspondance dans toute l'etendue de l'Union, y compris leur remise au domicile des desti- nataires dans les pays oil le service de distribution est ou sera or- ganise, ainsi que les limites de ARTICLE 34 Postage rates and general conditions 1. The postage rates for the transportation of articles of corre- spondence throughout the entire extent of the Union, including their delivery at the residence of the addressees in countries where the delivery service is or may be established, and the limits of 3. Administrations are released from all responsibility when it is proved that a mail article was delivered or a money order paid upon presentation of a valid identity card. Neither are they responsible for the consequences of loss, theft or fraudulent use of a valid identity card. 4. The identity card is valid for three years from the date of issue. TITLE III Postage rates. Limits of weight and dimensions. 2064