Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/857

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. 2. -La taxe de tout envoi re- command6 doit etre acquitt6e A l'avance. Elle se compose: a) du port ordinaire de l'envoi, selon sa nature; b) d'un droit fixe de recomman- dation de 40 centimes au maxi- mum. Le droit fixe de recommandation afferent A la partie ,Reponse, d'une carte postale ne peut 6tre valablement acquitt6 que par l'ex- pediteur de cette partie. 3. - Un recepisse doit etre delivre gratuitement, au moment du d6p6t, Al'expediteur d'un envoi recommande. 4.- Les pays disposes A se charger des risques pouvant d6ri- ver du cas de force majeure sont autoris6s a percevoir une taxe sp6ciale de 40 centimes au maxi- mum pour chaque envoi recom- mande. 5. - Les envois recommand.s non ou insufisamment affranchis qui auraient et6 transmis a tort au pays de destination sont pas- sibles, Ala charge des destinataires, d'une taxe egale au montant de l'affranchissement manquant. ARTICLE 55. Avis de r6ception. L'expediteur d'un envoi recom- mande peut demander un avis de reception en payant, au moment du d6p6t, un droit fixe de 80 cen- times au maximum. L'avis de reception peut etre demandeposterieurement au dep6t de l'envoi dans le delai d'un an et moyennant la taxe prevus l'ar- ticle 53 pour les r6clamations. ARTICLE 56. Etendue de la responsabilite. 1.- Sauf les cas pr6vus A l'arti- cle 57 ci-aprs, les Administra- tions repondent de la perte des envois recommand(s. L'expkditeur a droit, de ee chef, A une indemnit6 dont le montant est fix6 A 50 francs par objet. 2.-Les Administrations n'as- sument aucune responsabilit6 2. The postage on all registered articles must be paid in advance. It consists of: (a) The ordinary postage on the article, according to its class; (b) A fixed registration fee of 40 centimes at most. The fixed registration fee appli- cable to the reply half of a post card can not be legally paid by anyone but the sender of that half. 3. A receipt shall be delivered without charge to the sender of a registered article at the time of mailing. 4. ountries disposed to under- take risks arising from force majeure (causes beyond control) are authorized to collect a special charge of 40 centimes at most for each registered article. 5. Unprepaid or insufficiently prepaid registered articles which have been wrongly sent to the country of destination are liable, at the expense of the addressees, to a charge equal to the amount of the missing postage. ARTICLE 55 Return receipts The sender of a registered arti- cle may request a return receipt by paying, at the time of mailing, a fixed charge of 30 centimes at most. The return receipt may be re- quested after the mailing of the article, within the period of one year and upon payment of the fee prescribed by Article 53 for iquires. ARTICLE 56 Extent of responsibility 1. With the exceptions provided for by Article 57 following, Ad- ministrations are responsible for the loss of registered articles. The sender is entitled,, on that account, to indemnity, the amount of which is ftixd at 50 francs per article. 2. Administrations assume no responsibility for articles seized Receipt. Special fee for cer- tain risks. Collection ofmissing POa. Return receipts; charge, etc. Loss of registered articles. Seirmr by cretoa.