Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/893

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Treatment if condi- tions not fulfilled. 5. -Les cartes postales ne rem- plissant pas les conditions prescri- tes pour cette cat6gorie d'envois sont trait6es comme lettres, d I'ex- ception, toutefois, de celles dont l'rrdgularit6 resulte seulement de I'application de l'affranchissement au verso. Ces dernieres sont con- iderees comme non affranchies et traites en consequence, selon la categorie d laquell eles appartien- nent d'apres leur texte ou lers dimensions. ARTICLE 114. Cartes postales avec reponse payee. Beply - padd pot 1. -Les cartes postales avec r- ponse payee doivent presenter au recto, en langue frangaise, comme titre sur la premiere partie: ,,Carte postale avec r6ponse payee,; sur la seconde partie: ,,Carte postale- r6ponse». Les deux parties doi- vent d'ailleurs remplir, chacune, les autres conditions impos6es a la carte postale simple; elles sont repli6es l'une sur 1'autre de fagon que le pli forme le bord sup6rieur et ne peuvent etre fermees d'une maniere quelconque. Addrnes, etc. 2. -L'adresse de la carte-reponse doit se trouver a l'interieur de 1'envoi. 11 est loisible Al'exp6diteur d'in- diquer son nom et son adresse au recto de la partie aReponse*. L'expditeur est 6galement au- torise Bfaire imprimer au verso de la carte-reponse un questionnaire destine a etre rempli par le destina- taire. Ftepymat of re- 3.-L'affranchissement de la Py. partie oReponse* au moyen de timbres-poste du pays qui a emis la carte n'est valable que si les deux parties de la carte postale avec r6ponse payee sont parvenues ad- herentes du pays d'origine et si la partie aReponse, est exp6diee du pays ol elle est parvenue par la poste a destination dudit pays d'origine. tb Mt llSend. Si ces conditions ne soft pas remplies, elle est trait6e comme carte postale non affranchie. ARTICLE 114 Post cards with reply paid 1. Post cards with reply paid shall have on the front, in the French language, as the heading of the first part: Carte postale avec reponse payee (post card with reply paid), and Carte postale- reponse (reply post card) on the second part. Each of the two halves shall, moreover, fulfill the other conditions laid down for a single post card; they are folded, one over the other, so that the fold forms the upper edge, and may not be fastened in any manner. 2. The address of the reply card shall be found on the inside of the article. It is permissible for the sender to indicate his name and address on the front of the reply half. The sender is also authorized to have printed on the back of the reply card a questionnaire to be filled in by the addressee. 3. The prepayment of the reply half by means of postage stamps of the country which has issued the card is valid only if both halves of the post card with reply card have arrived joined together from the country of origin and if the reply half is sent from the country where it was received by mail and is addressed to the said country of origin. rf those conditions are not ful- filled, it is treated as an unprepaid post card. 5. Post cards not fulfilling the conditions laid down for that class of articles are treated as letters with the exception, how- ever, of those on which the irregu- larity consists solely of the applica- tion of the stamps on the back. The latter are considered as un- prepaid and are treated accord- ingly, depending upon the classifi- cation to which they belong, based on the text which they contain or their dimensions.