Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/895

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Form and makeup. 3. -Les papiers d'affaires sont soumis, en ce qui ooncerne la forme et le conditionnement, aux Post, p. 21 . dispositions prescrites A 1'article 119 ci-apres pour les imprimes. ARTICLE 116. Articles considered as prints. Ezcluions. Motion-picture films, etc. Stationery articles. Poet OuIda Imprim6s. .-- Sont consideres comme im- prims, les journaux et ouvrages periodiques, les livres, les bro- chures, les papiers de musique, les cartes de visite, les cartes-adresse, les epreuves d'imprimerie, les gra- vures, les photographies et les albums contenant des photogra- phies, les images, les dessins, plans, cartes geographiques, pa- trons Adecouper, catalogues, pros- pectus, annonces et avis divers, imprim6s, grav6s, lithographies ou autographies, et, en g6enral, toutes les impressions ou reproductions obtenues sur papier ou autre matiere assimilable au papier, sur parchemin ou sur carton, au moyen de la typographie, de la gravure, de la lithographie et de l'auto- graphie, ou de tout autre proc6d mecanique facile a reconnattre, hormis le decalque, les timbres A caracteres mobiles ou non et la machine a ecrire. 2. - La taxe des imprim6s n'est pas applicable aux imprimes qui portent des signes quelconques susceptibles de constituer un lan- gage conventionnel, ni, sauf les exceptions explicitement autorisees par les articles 117 et 118 ci-apres, A ceux dont le texte a ete modifi6 apres tirage. 3. - Les films cin6matographi- ques, les disques pour gramo- phones ainsi que les papiers per- fores destin6s A etre adaptes a des instruments de musique auto- matiques ne sont pas admis au tarif des imprimes. I1 en est de meme des articles de papeterie proprement dits, des l'instant oi il apparalt clairement quo la partie imprimee n'est pas l'essentiel de l'objet. 4.- Les cartes portant le titre

  • Carte postale- on l'equivalent de

ee titre dans une langue quel- conque sont admises au tarif des imprim&s, pourvu qu'elles repon- 3. Commercial papers are sub- ject, in regard to form and make- up, to the provisions laid down by Article 119 hereafter for prints. ARTICLE 116 Prints 1. The following are consid- ered as prints: Newspapers and periodicals, books, pamphlets, sheet-music, visiting cards, ad- dress cards, printing proofs, en- gravings, photographs and albums containing photographs, pictures, drawings, plans, maps, patterns to be cut out, catalogs, prospectuses, advertisements, and printed, en- graved, lithographed or auto- graphed notices of various kinds, and, in general, all impressions or reproductions obtained on paper or other material assimilable to paper, on parchment or on card- board, by means of printing, en- graving, lithography, autography or any other easily recognizable mechanical process, with the ex- ception of the copying press, stamps with movable or immov- able type, and the typewriter. 2. The print rate does not ap- ply to prints which bear any marks capable of constituting a conventional language, or, with the exceptions specifically author- ized by Articles 117 and 118 here- after, to those whose text has been modified after printing. 3. Motion-picture films, phono- graph records, as well as perfor- ated papers intended to be used on automatic musical instru- ments, are not admitted at the print rate. The same applies to articles of stationery properly so called, when it appears clearly that the printed text is not the essential part of the article. 4. Cards bearing the heading Carte postale (post card) or the equivalent of that heading in any language are admitted at the print rate, provided that they