Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/942

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54 STAT. UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 de d6part, des relev6s conformes au modele C 21 ci-annex6 et trans- mettent ces releves aux bureaux d'6change de l'Administration ex- p6ditrice pour etre rev6tus de leur acceptation. Ces bureaux, apres avoir accepte les relev6s, les trans- mettent a leur Administration centrale qui les repartit entre les Administrations int6ress6es. 2. -Si les relev6s C 21 ne sont pas parvenus aux bureaux d'6change de l'Administration exp6ditrice ou leur sont parvenus en nombre in- suffisant dans le d6lai de trois mois (quatre mois dans les echanges avec les pays eloignes), A compter du jour de 1'exp6dition de la derniere d6epche a comprendre dans la statistique, ces bureaux dressent eux-m6mes lesdits relev6s, en nombre suffisant, d'apres leurs propres indications et en mscrivant sur chacun d'eux la mention: ,Les relev6s C 21 du bureau des- tinataire ne sont pas parvenus dans le d6lai r6glementaire». Ils les transmettent ensuite A leur Admi- nistration centrale qui les r6partit entre les Administrations en cause. statements conforming to Model C 21 hereto appended, and trans- mit such statements to the ex- change offices of the dispatching Administration to be indorsed with their acceptance. Those offices, after having accepted the statements, transmit them to their central Administration, which distributes them among the Administrations concerned. 2. If the Forms C 21 have not reached the exchange offices of the Administration of origin, or if they have not arrived there in sufficient numbers, within a pe- riod of three months (four months in exchanges with distant coun- tries), counting from the date of dispatch of the last mail to be included in the statistics, those offices themselves make up the said forms in sufficient numbers in accordance with their own records, and enter on each one of them the note: Les releves C 21 du bureau destinataire ne sont pas parvenus dans le delai reglemen- taire (The Forms C 21 from the office of destination did not arrive within the prescribed period). They then transmit them to their central Administration, which dis- tributes them among the Adminis- trations concerned. ARTICLE 168. ARTICLE 168 Liste des d6p6ches closes 6chang6es List of closed mails exchanged in en transit. transit 1.-Aussitot que possible et, au plus tard, dans un d6lai de trois mois apres chaque periode de statistique, sauf le cas of la voie d'acheminement n'a pu 6tre con- statee dans ce d6lai, les Admi- nistrations qui ont exp6di6 des d6peches en transit envoient, sur formule conforme au modele C 22 ci-annexe, la liste de ces d6epches aux diff6rentes Administrations dont elles ont emprunt6 l'inter- m6diaire. 2. -Si cette liste indique des depeches en transit qui, d'apres les dispositions de l'article 165, ne donnent pas lieu A 1'6tablissement d'un relev6 C 21, elle doit porter une mention explicative, telle que 1. As soon as possible, and at the latest within a period of three months after each statistical pe- riod, except in cases where the route could not be determined within that period, the Adminis- trations which have sent dis- patches in transit send a list of such dispatches on a form agree- ing with Model C 22 hereto ap- pended to the various Adminis- trations whose intermediary they have employed. 2. If that list indicates dis- patches in transit which, in ac- cordance with the provisions of Article 165, do not give rise to the preparation of a Form C 21, it shall bear an explanatory note, Post,p. 2215. Procedure if forms not received, etc. Exchange of lists. Post, p. 2216 . Explanatory notes. Ante, p. 2160. Pod, p. 2215 . 2163