Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/953

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. acheminees, sauf indication d'une voie speciale sur 1'adresse, par les voies les plus rapides et dans les mmems conditions que les d6peches 6chang6es entre bureaux de poste. Le capitaine d'un paquebot postal qui transporte des depeches Adestination d'une division navale ou d'un bAtiment de guerre les tient A la disposition du com- mandant de la division ou du bAtiment destinataire en prevision du cas oi celui-ci viendrait lui en demander la livraison en route. Retention, etc. 4.- Si le bAtiments ne se trou- vent pas au lieu de destination quand les d6epches A leur adresse y parviennent, ces depeches sont conservees au bureau de poste jusqu'a leur retrait par le desti- nataire ou leur r6expedition sur un autre point. La reexpedition peut etre demand6e, soit par l'Adminis- tration postale d'origine, soit par le commandant de la division navale ou du bAtiment desti- nataire, soit enfin par un Consul de meme nationalite. Dispatches in care 5. -Celles des d6peches dont il s'agit qui portent la mention <Aux soins du Consul d . . . sont con- signees au Consulat indique. Elles peuvent ulterieurement, A la demande du Consul, etre r6inte grees dans le service postal et reexp6diUes sur le lieu d'origine ou sur une autre destination. 6. -Les depAches A destination d'un batiment de guerre sont con- siderees comme 6tant en transit jusqu'a leur remise au comman- dant de ce bAtiment, alors meme qu'elles auraient Wte primitive- ment adressees aux soins d'un bureau de poste ou A un Consul charge de servir d'agent de trans- port intermediaire; elles ne sont done pas considerees comme etant parvenues A leur adresse tant qu'elles n'ont pas et6 livr6es au batiment de guerre destinataire. absence of any indication of a special route in the address, by the most rapid routes, and under the same conditions as dispatches exchanged between post offices. The captain of a mail steamer carrying mails addressed to a naval division or warship holds them at the disposal of the com- manding officer of the division or vessel of destination, in case that the latter should happen to request their delivery en route. 4. If the ships are not found at the place of destination when the dispatches addressed to them arrive there, such dispatches are held at the post office until they are withdrawn by the addressee or forwarded to another point. Redirection may be requested either by the Postal Adminis- tration of origin or by the com- manding officer of the naval divi- sion or vessel of destination; or, finally, by a Consul of the same nationality. 5. Those of the dispatches in question which bear the note: Aux soins du Consul d -------- (in care of the Consul of -----_--) are delivered to the Consulate indicated. Later on, they may, at the request of the Consul, be turned back to the postal service and returned to the place of origin or forwarded to another destination. 6. Dispatches addressed to a warship are considered as being in transit up to their delivery to the commanding officer of that ship, even if they were originally addressed in care of a post office or to a Consul charged with serv- ing as intermediate forwarding agent; they are not, therefore, considered as having arrived at their address as long as they have not been delivered to the war- ship of destination. ABTICLI 179. ARTICLiE 179 Bulletins d'affranchissement. Prepayn bulltins. Accounting Decompte des frais de douane, etc. fo customs charges, etc. .-- Le d6compte relatif aux 1. The accounting for customs frais de douane, etc., debours&s par charges, etc., paid out by each Ad- Dispatches consd- wred as being in tran- sit. Aawaoftiug f s-. teromebug, eta 2174