Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/401

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 262 -JUNE 30, 1941 walks, wharves, drainage, dredging channels, purchase of water, dis- Target practice, etc. posal of sewage, shooting galleries, ranges for small-arms target prac- tice, field, mobile, and railway artillery practice, including flour for paste for marking targets, such ranges and galleries to be open as far as practicable to the National Guard and organized rifle clubs under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War; warehouse and fuel handling equipment; stoves required for use of the Army for heating offices, hospitals, barracks quarters, recruiting stations, and United States disciplinary barracks, also ranges and stoves for cooking food at posts, for post bakery and bake-oven equipment and apparatus and appliances for cooking and serving food when con- stituting fixed installations in buildings, including maintenance and Heat, light, etc. repair of such heating and cooking appliances; for furnishing heat and light for the authorized allowance of quarters for officers, enlisted men, and warrant officers, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons when stationed at and occupying public quarters at military posts, officers of the National Guard attending service and garrison schools, and for recruits, guards, privaied eretedos at hospitals, storehouses, offices, the buildings erected at private cost, 32 Stat. 282. in the operation of the Act approved May 31, 1902 (10 U. S . C. 1346), and buildings for a similar purpose on military reservations author- ized by War Department regulations; for sale of fuel to officers; fuel and engine supplies required in the operation of modern batteries at Pronroe, Va. established posts, $168,475,083: Provided, That the amounts to be wharf, etc. assessed and collected by the Secretary of War for expenditure for maintenance purposes at Fort Monroe, Virginia under the provisions of the Act of August 1, 1894 (28 Stat. 212), shall be $13,520 for wharf Military attach6s, and $5,053 for roads and sewerage system: Provided further, That rent oo etc. this appropriation shall be available for the rental of offices, garages, onstruction, limi- and stables for military attaches: Provided further, That no part of the funds herein appropriated shall be available for construction of a permanent nature of an additional building or an extension or addi- tion to an existing building, the cost of which in any case exceeds Stabling,rentalrate. $20,000: Provided further, That the monthly rental rate to be paid out of this appropriation for stabling any animal shall not exceed $15. CONSTRUICTION AND REPAIR OF HOSPITALS Temporary hospi- tals. Gages, dies, Jigs, etc. , funds available. For construction and repair of hospitals at military posts already established and occupied, including all expenditures for construction and repairs required at the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, and for the construction and repair of general hospitals and expenses incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the requirements of increased garrisons, and for temporary hospitals in standing camps and cantonments; for the alteration of permanent buildings at posts for use as hospitals, construction and repair of temporary hospital buildings at permanent posts, construction and repair of temporary general hospitals, rental or purchase of grounds, and rental and alteration of buildings for use for hospital purposes in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including necessary tem- porary quarters for hospital personnel, outbuildings, heating and laundry apparatus, plumbing, water and sewers, and electric work, cooking apparatus, and roads and walks for the same, $10,038,641. The appropriations contained in this Act which are available for the procurement or manufacture of munitions of war of special or technical design may be used for the development and procurement of gages, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, production studies, factory plans, and other production data, including specifica- tions and detailed drawings, in accordance with the provisions of 376 [55 STAT.