Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/928

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Combat Areas, repeal of provisions re- Page specting entry into ----------------- 764 Comegys, Edward T. (Lt. Col.), credit in accounts of-------------------- 136, 139 Comit6 International du Bois, appropria- tion for contribution ----- -------- 424 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., appropriation for ---------------------------- 368 Commerce, Department of: American Republics, cooperation with, transfer of funds from Department of State ---------------------- 277 Appropriation for- Audited claims --------------- 78, 84, 569 Census, Bureau of the -------- 278, 551, 832 Civil Aeronautics, Office of Adminis- trator of ------

279, 684, 825, 832 Civil Aeronautics Board ------------ 281 Coast and Geodetic Survey --------- 282, 551,824, 832 Contingent expenses ------------ - 277 Damage claims ------------------ 75, 566 Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of----------------- 284, 832 Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of---------- 285, 551, 825, 832 National Inventors Council Service Staff----------------------- 278 Patent Office ---------- 201,286, 751, 832 Printing and binding--------------- 278 Salaries------------------------ 277, 832 Secretary, Office of ------------ 277, 832 Standards, National Bureau of------ 286, 751,832 Traveling expenses --------------- 278 Weather Bureau-.------------ 288, 825, 832 Citizenship requirements, employees-- 302 Coast and Geodetic Survey- Architects, etc., temporary employ- ment of --------------------- 284 Retired personnel, active-duty pay; retired pay------------------- 263 Subsistence allowances, restriction on use of funds for -------------- 284 Copy editors, funds available for detail from Government Printing Office- 278 Foreign merchant vessels acquired by the United States, documentation-_ 244 Load lines, establishment of, during emergency ---------------------- 578 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating --- _- --- _-- -- -- --- -- 303 Pursers and surgeons, registry of, as staff officers on U. S . vessels------ 730 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after---------------

303 Commerce, Department of-Continued. Page Standards, National Bureau of- Building materials, studies of, transfer of funds for------------ 101, 102, 111 Public Health Service officers de- tailed to, funds available for ex- penses ----------------------- 287 Scientific investigations for depart- ments, etc., transfer of funds__ 224, 288 Weather Bureau- Minor purchases without advertising_ 289 Part-time employees, performance of odd jobs------------------- 289 Printing by, restriction on---------- 289 Commerce, Secretary of. See Commerce, Department of. Commercial Barge Lines, Inc., conveyance to, of land at Guntersville, Ala------ 600 Commissioners, U. S. Courts, appropria- tion for fees ------------------- 63, 301 Commodity Credit Corporation: Appropriation for ------------ 201, 437, Capital impairment, restoration ---- Assets, determination of value------- Extension to June 30, 1943---- _- - - _ 550 563 498 498 Loans on- Cotton, corn, wheat, rice, or to- bacco ------------------- 205, 860 Peanuts ..--------------------91, 860 Nonbasic agricultural commodities, ex- pansion of production; maintenance of price ------------------------ 498 Obligations, authorized aggregate amount --------------------- 498 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations-_ _ 215, 217 Commodity Exchange Act, appropriation for enforcement----------------- 433, 832 Communications Act of 1934, Amend- ments: Federal Communications Commission, overtime compensation for radio inspectors---------------------- 46 Appropriations authorized to cover deficiencies------------------- 47 Radio operators on cargo ships, suspen- sion of service requirement -__- -_ - 579 Communications Commission. See Fed- eral Communications Commission. Communists, restriction on employment on work-relief projects-------------- 402 Compacts. See Interstate Compacts. Compensation, Disability or Death, exten- sion of benefits to employees on bases acquired from foreign governments, etc---------------------------- 622 Comptroller General. See General Ac- counting Office. Comptroller of the Currency, Office of. See under Treasury Department. INDEX XX