Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/990

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Portland, Oreg.: I Hydrographic Office, appropriation for- National cemetery, establishment and maintenance------------------ Appropriation authorized ----------- Portsmouth, N. H.: Naval Hospital- Appropriation for ---------------- Construction authorized----------- Navy Yard- Appropriation for ------------- 163, Construction authorized------------ Portugal, appropriation for minister to--- Portuguez River, P. R., examination authorized -------------------- Post-Defense Labor Problems, appropria- tion for study of----------------- Post Office Department. See also Postal Service. Adjusted-service bonds, adjustment of certain losses in redemption of; ap- propriation-------------------- ?age 175 875 875 675 661 672 659 267 650 468 262 Appropriation for- Accounts, Bureau of ------------ 227, 834 Adjusted losses and contingencies--- 228 Audited claims-------- 80, 83, 86, 573, 575 Chief Inspector, Office of- 70, 227, 228, 834 Contingent expenses -------------- 227 Damage claims---------- 75, 228, 566, 567 First Assistant Postmaster General, Office of------- 70, 227, 229, 559, 834 Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Office of ---------- 227, 231, 560, 834 Judgments ---------------------- 568 Postmaster General, Office of------- 227 228, 559, 834 Printing and binding .-- - -- -- -- -- 2 28, 551 Public buildings, maintenance and operation ----------------- 233, 83' Purchasing Agent, Office of------- 227, 834 Salaries in bureaus and offices---- 227, 83' Second Assistant Postmaster General, Office of---- 71, 227, 230, 560, 828, 83 Solicitor, Office of----------------- 22 Third Assistant Postmaster General, Office of ------ 71, 227, 231, 560, 83 Buildings. See Public buildings, this title. Chemical, etc., investigations, transfer of funds for- ------------- - 22 Citizenship requirements, employees___ 23 Deficiency in postal revenues, funds available to meet--------------- 23 Field service appropriations, restriction on use for Department----------- 22 Examination of field estimates------ 22 Travel expenses------------------- 22 Information concerning violations of postal law, expenditures for------ 22 ost Office Department-Continued. Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating--------------------- Postal-savings stamps, denominations-- Postmasters, residence requirements for certain------------------------ Public buildings- Furniture, use of present----------- Mechanical labor force, pay rates -- Telephone service, contracts for---- Rates, first-class matter, continuance of temporary increases------------ Rewards, payment of; limitation ---- Savings bonds and savings certificates, performance of fiscal agency serv- ices---------------------------- Scientific investigations, transfer of funds to Bureau of Standards for-- Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after------------------------- Tax on use of motor vehicles and boats, sale of stamps------------------- Appropriation authorized---------- Vehicles- Administrative work, restriction on use of certain funds for mainte- nance, etc., in connection with-- Leasing of quarters for housing of, use of funds for------------- Tractors and trailer trucks, purchase, etc------------------------- Postal Service. See also Post Office De- partment. Army mail clerks, designation, etc----- Blind, reading matter, etc., for, postage rates--------------------------- Postmasters, residence requirements for certain------------------------- Railway Mail Service. See separate title. Rates, first-class matter, continuance of temporary increases----------- Rural letter carriers, salary adjust- ments ------------------------- Postmaster General. See under Post Office Department. Potassium Carbonate, appropriation for investigation of production -------- Potato Act, appropriation for refund of taxes collected under---------- Potomac River: Bridge authorized across, at Sandy Hook, Md------------------- Vehicular crossing at Alexandria, Va., conference regarding------------- Potomac River Basin, Interstate Com- mission on, appropriation for D. C. contribution-------------------- I " ' ` INDEX LXXXII Page 235 8 599 234 233 234 210 229 8 234 235 724 724 233 233 233 656 737 599 210 609 827 219 45 531 560