Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/358

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. Secreoy require- ment. "Family" con- strued. Annual leave. governo estrangeiro, para as fun- o6es relativas a Artilharia de Costa e , Aviagao Militar. Artigo 27-Nenhum membro da Missao revelarA ou divulgara, de maneira alguma, a qualquer Governo estrangeiro ou a quem quer que seja, qualquer assunto de natureza secreta, confidencial ou reservada, de que tenha to- mado conhecimento por via de suas fungoes como membro da Missao. Esta exigencia perdurara, mes- mo depois de findas as obrigagoes cor a Missao e ap6s haver sido terminado ou cancelado o presente contrato, ou sua prorrogagao. Artigo 28-A expressao familia constante no texto deste contrato significa, para todos efeitos: esposa, filhos menores e filhas solteiras. Artigo 29-Cada membro da Missao terA direito a um mes de ferias por ano, cor vencimentos, ou a uma parte proporcional, cor pagamento correspondente a essa parte. As ferias nao gozadas serAo acumuladas de ano para ano, durante o tempo de servigo como membro da Missao. Artigo 30-As f6rias menciona- das no artigo anterior poderao ser gozadas fora do pais, porem as des- pesas decorrente da viagem e transporte serao custeadas pelo oficial interessado. Todo o tempo de viagem sera computado como ferias e nao sera adicionado ao periodo autorizado no artigo prece- dente. Artigo 31-0 Governo Brasileiro concordara com a concessao das ferias, solicitadas por escrito pelo Chefe da Missao, desde que nio foreign government for duties per- taining to the Coast Artillery and Military Aviation. Article 27-No member of the Mission shall divulge or reveal in any manner to any foreign govern- ment or person whatsoever, any matter of a secret, confidential, or restricted nature of which he may become cognizant in his capacity as a member of the Mission. This requirement shall continue to be binding after termination of duty with the Mission, and after the expiration or cancelation of this Agreement or any extension thereof. Article 28-The term family throughout the text of this Agree- ment shall be construed to mean for all relevant purposes: Wife, minor sons and unmarried daugh- ters. Article 29-Each member of the Mission shall be entitled to one month's annual leave with pay, or to a proportional part thereof with pay for any fractional part of a year. Unused leave shall be cumula- tive from year to year during serv- ice as a member of the Mission. Article 30-The leave provided for in the preceding Article may be taken abroad, but the travel and transportation expenses incident thereto shall be borne by the officer taking the leave. All travel time shall count as leave and shall not be in addition to that authorized in the preceding Article. Article 31-The Brazilian Gov- ernment agrees to grant leave re- quested by the Chief of the Mis- sion in writing, provided that it 1232