Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/359

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55 STAT.] BRAZIL- MILITARY, ETC., MISSION-JAN . 17, 1941 tragam inconveniencia para a efi- ciencia do servi9o. Artigo 32-Exceto quando for resolvido de outra maneira pelos Governos interessados, as substi- tui6ces de membros da Missao serao feitas ap6s contacto pessoal, no Brasil, entre o membro que se retira e o seu substituto. Artigo 33-Serao prestados pelo Governo do Brasil cuidados medi- cos aos membros da Missao e suas familias. No caso de um membro da Missao adoecer ou sofrer feri- mento, sera ele, si oficial, internado num hospital que o Chefe da Missao julgar conveniente, depois de consultadas as autoridades bra- sileiras, e todas as despesas decor- rentes do tratamento da doenga ou ferimento, enquanto o paciente for membro da Missao e per- manecer no Brasil, serao pagas pelo Governo Brasileiro. Si o membro hospitalizado for oficial, pagara somente as despesas de subsistencia; si, entretanto, for praga de pret, a subsistencia sera paga pelo Governo Brasileiro, con- tanto que o tratamento seja facul- tado no Hlospital Central do Exercito. Os privil6gios estipulados neste artigo para os membros da Missao, serao igualmente extensivos as suas familias, ficando seus chefes responsaveis, em cada caso, pelas (lospesas de subsistencia decor- rentes da hospitalizacao, ficando entendido que serao respeitados os direitos estabelecidos no artigo 10. Artigo 4--Qualquer membro da Missao que se tome incapaz de de- sempenhar seus encargos, por mo- tivo de longa e continuada en- fermidade, sera substituido. does not interfere with the effi- ciency of the service. Article 32-Except when other- wise agreed upon in advance by the respective Governments, re- liefs shall be effected by personal contact in Brazil between retiring members and the relieving members. Article S3-Medical attention shall be furnished by the Govern- ment of Brazil to the members of the Mission and their families. In case a member of the Mission becomes ill or suffers injury, he shall, if an officer, be placed in such hospital as the Chief of the Mission deems suitable, after con- sultation with the Brazilian au- thorities, and all expenses of treat- ment of the illness or injury, while the patient is a member of the Mission and remains in Brazil, shall be paid by the Government of Brazil. If the hospitalized member is an officer, he shall pay only his sub- sistence; if, however, he is an enlisted man, subsistence shall be paid by the Brazilian Government provided he accepts treatment in the Hospital Central do Exercito. The privileges accorded by this Article to the members of the Mission shall be accorded equally to their families, except that the head of the family shall in each case be responsible for subsistence expenditures incurred in connec- tion with the hospitalization of a member of his family, it being understood that the rights estab- lished in Article 10 shall be re- spected. Article 34-Any member of the Mission unable to perform his duties by reason of long continued physical disability shall be replaced. Medical attention. Replacement in cae of disability. 1233