Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/393

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55 STAT.] GUATEMALA-DETAIL OF MILITARY OFFICER-MAY 27,1941 Agreement between the United States of America and Guatemala respect- ing detail of military oficer to serve as Director of Polytechnic School of Guatemala. Signed May 27, 1941; effective May 27, 1941. May 27, 1941 [E. A. S. 208] AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOV- ERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUB- LIC OF GUATEMALA In conformity with the request of the Minister of the Republic of Guatemala at Washington to the Secretary of State, the President of the United States of America has authorized the appointment of an officer of the United States Army to serve in the Republic of Guatemala under the conditions specified below. TITLE I DUTIES AND DURATION Article 1. The Government of the United States of America shall place at the disposal of the Gov- ernment of Guatemala the tech- nical and professional services of an officer of the United States Army to serve as Director of the Polytechnic School of the Republic of Guatemala. Article 2. The officer detailed to this duty by the Government of the United States of America shall be Lieutenant Colonel Edward L. N. Glass or another officer of similar qualifications in replace- ment if necessary as may mutually be agreed upon by the Govern- ment of the United States of America and the Government of Guatemala. Article 3. This Agreement shall come into force on the date of ACUERDO ENTRE EL GOBIERNO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y EL GOBIERNO DE LA REPU(BLICA DE GUATEMALA De conformidad con la so- licitud del Ministro de la Re- publica de Guatemala en Wash- ington al Secretario de Estado, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America ha autorizado el nom- bramiento de un oficial del Ej6r- cito de los Estados Unidos para servir en la Repfblica de Guate- mala de acuerdo con las condi- ciones estipuladas a continuaci6n. TITULO I SERVICIOS Y DURACI6N Articulo 1. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America pon- dra a la disposici6n del Gobierno de Guatemala los servicios tecni- cos y profesionales de un oficial del Ejercito de los Estados Unidos para servir como Director de la Escuela Politecnica de la Re- pfiblica de Guatemala. Articulo 2. El oficial que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America ha de designar para este servicio sera el Teniente Coronel Edward L. N . Glass, u otro oficial igualmente id6neo en su reem- plazo si es necesario, segun se disponga por mituo acuerdo entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de Guatemala. Articulo S. Este Acuerdo en- trara en vigor en la fecha de su Detail of Lt. Col. Edward L. N . Glass. Effective date of agreement; duration. 1267