Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/461

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-5 ~ AT.] NICARAGU-A-DETAIL OF MILITARY OFFICER-MAY 22,1941 exceed the cost of transporting the remains from the place of decease to the city of New York. Should the deceased be the officer, his services shall be considered to have terminated fifteen (15) days after his death. Return transpor- tation to the United States of America for the family of the deceased officer and for their household effects, baggage and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Article 21. All com- pensation due the deceased officer and reimbursement due the de- ceased officer for expenses and transportation on official business of the Government of Nicaragua shall be paid to the widow of the officer, or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the officer, provided sach widow or other person shall not be compensated for the ac- crued leave of the deceased, and further provided that these com- pensations shall be paid within fifteen (15) days after the death of the officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the under- signed, being duly authorized, have signed this Agreement in duplicate, in the English and Spanish languages, at Washington, this twenty-second day of May, nineteen hundred and forty-one . [SEAL] CORDELL HULL Secretary of Stai of the Unite [SEAL] LE6N DE BAYLE Eifroy Extraordi Plenipotent Nicara gua no excederh del costo del transporte de los restos del lugar del fallecimiento a la ciudad de Nueva York. Si el fallecido es el oficial, se considerarA que sus servicios han terminado quince (15) dias despu6s de su muerte. Se proporcionarA transporte de regreso a los Estados Unidos de America para la familia del oficial fallecido y para sus efectos do- mesticos, equipage y autom6vil, de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Articulo 21. Toda remunera- ci6n debida al oficial fallecido y todo reembolso adeudado al ofi- cial fallecido por gastos y trans- porte en viajes realizados en asuntos oficiales del Gobierno de Nicaragua, serin pagados a la viuda del oficial o a cualquiera otra persona que pueda haber sido designada, por escrito, por el oficial, disponi6ndose que no se pagara a la viuda o a la otra persona por la licencia acumulada a que tenia derecho el fallecido y disponi6ndose, ademas, que estos pagos serAn efectuados dentro de los quince (15) dias siguientes al fallecimiento del official. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, los suscritos, debidamente autori- zados para ello, han firmado csto Acuerdo, en duplicado, en los idiomas ingles y espaflol, en Wash- ington, el dia veintid6s de mayo de mil novecientos cuarenta y uno. 1335 Return transporta- tion for family. Compensation due deceased officer. te ed States of America nary and Minister iary of the Republic of gua at Washington