Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/462

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. 1336 August 30, 1941 [E. k. S. 218] MODIFICATIONS IN THE NAVAL MISSION AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE RE- PUBLIC OF COLOMBIA Certain modifications in the Naval Mission Agreement be- tween the United States of America and the Republic of Colombia, signed at Washington on No- vember 23, 1938, [1] having been found desirable, it is agreed be- tween the United States of Ameri- ca and the Republic of Colombia as follows: ARTICLE 1-Article 1 of Title IV of the agreement of Novem- ber 23, 1938 is amended to read as follows: MODIFICACIONES AL CONTRATO SOBRE LA MISI6N NAVAL EN- TRE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y LA REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA Habiendose estimado conve- niente efectuar ciertas modifica- ciones al contrato sobre una Misi6n Naval, celebrado entre los Estados Unidos de America y la Repiblica de Colombia, suscrito en Wishing- ton el 23 de noviembre de 1938, los Estados Unidos de America y la Republica de Colombia han convenido en lo siguiente: ARTfCULO 1-ElArticulo 1 del Titulo IV del contrato celebrado el 23 de noviembre de 1938 queda modificado conforme a los siguien- tes terminos: "Each member of the Mission "Cada miembro de la Misi6n shall receive from the Govern- recibirh del Gobierno de la Re- ment of the Republic of Colombia pdblica de Colombia la remune- such net annual compensation ex- raci6n neta anual computada en pressed in United States currency moneda de los Estados Unidos, as may be agreed upon between que de mutuo acuerdo convengan the Government of the United el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos States of America and the Gov- de America y el Gobierno de la ernment of the Republic of Co- Republica de Colombia. Esta re- lombia. This compensation shall muneraci6n se cubriri en doce be paid in twelve equal monthly mensualidades iguales, que ven- installments, each due and pay- cen y deben pagarse el ultino able on the last day of the month. dia de cada mes. Los pagos pue- Payments may be made in Colom- den hacerse en moneda nacional bian national currency computed colombiana computada al tipo de at the highest value of the dollar cambio mis alto por d6lares en el at the free market rate of exchange mercado libre en Bogota el dia de in Bogota on the date on which su vencimiento. Los pagos que se due. Payments made outside of efectden fuera de Colombia se ' [Executive Agreement Series 140; 53 Stat. 2074.] Supplementary agreement between the United States of America and Colombia modifying the agreement of November 23, 1938 respecting a naval mission. Signed August 0S,1941; effective August 30, 1941. Colnpensatlon.