Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/505

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55 STAT.] COSTA RICA--RUBBER INVESTIGATIONS-'r'- 19. 1941 1379 June 16, 1941 en el otorgamiento de la franquicia aduanera para aquellos efectos personales que los empleados americanos de la mencionada Estaci6n introduzcan a su arribo a Costa Rica, a condicion de que el Director de la Estaci6n de Experimentaci6n certifique que tales efectos per- sonales no seran revendidos. Acojo complacido esta oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Sefioria los sentimientos de mi mas distinguida consideraci6n. ALBERTO ECHANDI Honorable Sefior DUDLEY G. DWYRE, Encargado de Negocios ad interim de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. [Translation] REPUBLIC OF COSTA RICA DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS No. 1895*B SAN JosE, June 18, 1941. MR. CHARGf D'AFFAIRES: I have the honor to refer to your note no. 726 of April 19, 1941, Ante, p . 1368. relative to the conclusion of an agreement for rubber-culture inves- tigations in Costa Rica, and to my note no. 1843*B of the 16th Ante, p . 1375 . instant, by which are accepted the terms of the agreement mentioned in your note with the exception, nevertheless, of the final part of paragraph (b) of article I, relative to the exemption from duties for the personal property brought into Costa Rica by the American employees upon their entry for work in the central experiment sta- tion in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The deletion of this part of article I was for reasons which have already been verbally explained to you. However, as the services to be rendered by the personnel of the central experiment station for the cultivation of rubber can only be considered as an effective and gratuitous collaboration by your Government for the study of a new and reproductive product of our soil, I am certain that the Minister of Public Works, in collaboration with the Minister of Finance, will find a way to accommodate the Government of the United States of America in granting exemption of customs duties for the personal effects of the American employees of the said sta- tion which they may bring into Costa Rica at the time of their arrival, on condition that the director of the experiment station certify that such personal effects will not be resold. I am pleased to take this opIportunity to renew to you the senti- ments of my most distinguished consideration. ALBERTO ECHANDI Honorable DUDLEY G. DWYRE, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the United States of America, City.