Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1192

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INDEX Navy-Continued. Quarters- Construction costs, removal of certain limitations ------------------ Hire of, to meet emergency condi- tions--__------------------- Ration- Fruit or vegetable juices, canned or concentrated, inclusion of ------ Furlough rations, payment of ------ Suspension of ration in kind ---- .. . Rear admiral of upper half, number en- titled to pay and allowances of ---- Reenlistment allowance - .- --- -- -- -- - Rental allowances, officers deprived of quarters on board ship ------ ... . Reserve forces on active duty- Certificate on completion of service - Medical statement, issuance of, re- strictions-------------------- Retirement- Active-duty pay and allowances, re- tired personnel-------

Active list, retirement of officers on-_ Advanced rank, retirement with, of certain officers--------------- Advancement of certain officers on re- tired list--------------------- Involuntary, of officers adjudged fitted, restriction------------.. Officers, retired, accrual of money al- Page 769 79 97 991 780 464 364 371 723 724 78 10 370 120 63 lowances----------- -------- 48 Salvage of vessels, appropriation au- thorized ----------------------- 8( Appropriation for----------------- 23( Sea or foreign duty, pay increases for_ 148, 36( Repeal of certain provisions ------- . 36( Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, funds available for expenses of men inducted under----------- 77 Shipbuilding, etc., facilities, appropria- tion authorized ----------------- 23, 5: Appropriation for----------------- 70, 81 Stores, sale of, extension to certain per- sons-------------------------- Submarine duty- 1: Additional pay for ------------ 391, 731 Computation of pay increases for_ _ 148, 36( Repeal of certain provisions ------ 361 Tableware, etc., in officers' quarters, re- striction on use of funds for------- 6( Temporary appointments- Commissioned rank, adjustment of pay status-__-----

- 102: Pay and allowances, retirement, etc_ 464 Travel allowances, settlement -------- 101: Travel pay for certain discharged, etc., personnel --------------------- 104! Uniform, unlawful wearing of--------- 28: Veterans. S e arate itle. Navy-Continued. Warrant and commissioned warrant grades, establishment of additional- Warrant officers- Appointment to commissioned grade in line and staff corps -------- Commissioned, computation of serv- ice ------------------------ Women's Reserve, establishment------ Navy, Secretary of the. See Navy De- partment. Navy and Marine Corps Medal, award of_ Navy Cafeteria Association, transfer of custody of equipment----------- Navy Cross, award of---------------- Navy Department. See also Naval Ves- sels; Navy. Additional personnel, funds available for employment ------------------ Admissions tax, exemptions from------ Aerial photographs for mapping projects for Department of the Interior---- Aeronautics, Bureau of- Aircraft design and construction, em- ployment of technical, etc., per- sonnel --- _------------------ Chief of, flight orders not subject to approval ------------------- Aircraft, damage from operation of, ad- justment of claims..--- -- -- -- -- - Airplanes, flying of, to assigned stations, etc., transfer of funds authorized- _ Alaska Railroad Retirement Act, re- employment of persons retired Page 724 422 372 730 744 999 743 78 703 539 74 61 68 67 under ------------------------- 1070 Appropriation for- Aeronautics, Bureau of------------- 67, 74, 80, 232, 388, 390, 992 Audited claims---- 116,119, 607, 609, 1009 Aviation. See Aeronautics, Bureau of, supra. Coast Guard---------------------- 71, 80, 109, 232, 389, 390, 602, 992 Compensation board--------------- 74 Contingent expenses-------- 55, 74, 82, 230 Damage claims ---------------- 105, 109, 110, 388, 598, 602, 603, 991, 1006 Defense aid -------_ -- - -- -- 82, 233, 994 Emergency fund-----_ _ _ _ 74, 233, 389, 992 Examining and retiring boards ----- 74 General Board ------------------- 74 Historical and naval documents, printing---___--------------__ 75 Hydrographic Office -------------- 74,75 Inspection and Survey, Board of --- 74 Judge Advocate General, Office of-_ 74 Judgments ------ .- -- - 110, 112, 604, 1007 Lepers, care of, Guam; transfer to Culion, P. I----------------- 55 Marine Corps-------- . 68,80, 232,388,992 LXVm .- A- - -- ,