Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1220

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XCVI Treasury Department-Continued. Isle Royale National Park, Mich., jurisdiction over certain lands in-_ Transfer of jurisdiction to Secretary of Navy --------------------- Laborers, allocation of positions------- Mexican claims. See Settlement of Mexican Claims Act of 1942. Mint, Bureau of the, metallic content of 5-cent pieces - ____--- _--_- --- - Moving pictures, restriction on use of funds for ---------- __


Narcotics, Bureau of- Confiscated vehicles, use of-------- Expenditures for narcotics, reim- bursement of sums recovered __ Law observance, funds available for dissemination of information re- garding _____ -__ __ __ -. --. -_ - Law violators, information in connec- tion with apprehension of, ex- penditures authorized_ ----- --- National service life-insurance fund, disbursement and investment-- _. .Opium Poppy Control Act of 1942 ___ - Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- - striction on employment of persons advocating ---------------_ ___ Procurement Division- Advances, crediting of, to general supply fund- ___ - - -

_ Coal and wood, waiver of separate weight, etc., certificates-------- Materials, etc., payment for------- Per diem employees at fuel yards, pay rates -------------------- __ _. Personal services, amount available from general supply fund for___ Printing and binding, orders for -. -- Reconditioning of equipment, pay- ment for---------------. --_- Transfer or detail of employees from other agencies, transfer of funds for- .. . ... __.__.__.__.__._ Typewriters- Prices---_---____------------ 161, Repairs, payment for--_ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ Procurement of supplies and services by contract, etc -_ -- -- ____________ Public Debt, Bureau of the- Distinctive paper for U. S . securities, division of award----- _- - - - -- - _ Loans, expenses of, restriction on use of funds________________ Public debt, increase of limitation----- Railroad adjustments, action with re- spect to claims of U. S. as creditor- Review, Board of, abolition; transfer of juridition ------------- .. .. .. . . avings stamps, isuance----------- INDEX Page 138 722 735 184 107 158 158 158 158 87 1045 170 161 161 160 161 161 161 161 160 1004 161 662 154 720 189 791 967 189 Treasury Department-Continued. Secret Service Division, information concerning law violations, funds available for payment for ----- _ _ Securities acquired by, disposition of certain--------_- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after -------------------------- U. S . Government life-insurance fund, disbursement and investment----- Truck Crop and Garden Insects, appro- priation for control of _____________ Truckee, Calif., validation of conveyance of land in...


.-------------- Trusts. See Antitrust Laws. Truxton Canon Indians, Ariz., appropria- tion for support, etc ------------ _- Truxton Canon Irrigation Project, Ariz., appropriation for....... ___ _______ Truxton Canyon Hospital, Ariz., appro- priation for --__ _----_______-__-- Tucumcari Project, N. Mex., appropria- tion for construction -- _............ Tulalip Hospital, Wash., appropriation for. Tulalip Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc -___-_____--------_ Turkey, appropriation for ambassador to__ Turtle Mountain Hospital, N. Dak., ap- propriation for -------- _ --- ---- --- Tuskegee, Ala., Veterans' Administration Facility, grant of easement in certain lands----------------- __- -_ -- - - - - Tutuila, Samoa, Naval Station, appropria- tion for operation, etc., of school - .. Twelfth Naval District, administration of Naval Supply Depot, Oakland, Calif_ Page 159 40 170 87 685 89 526 518 524 536 525 526 469 525 83 57 47 U Ulntah and Ouray Indians, Utah, appro- priation for support, etc-----____. 526 Uintah Hospital, Utah, appropriation for__ 525 Ukiah, Calif., appropriation for latitude observatory


Uncompahgre, etc., Utes, Utah, appropria- tion for irrigation system --_ __ - -- _ 520 Unemployment Compensation Adminis- tration: Appropriation for grants to States for_ 235, 586 Salary restrictions ------------ ______ 587 Unemployment Insurance. See Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, Amendments. Uniforms: Armed forces, exemption of insignia, etc., for, from jewelry tax .---. . _ 977 Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Wom- en's Army Auxiliary Corps, un- lawful wlarinne f fnifn-rm .. a o --- .....- . --- v -n U-----_ L0