Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/242

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[56 STAT. TREATIES d) Presentara a la considera- ci6n de los gobiernos contratantes, por la via diplomitica, las modi- ficaciones que hibieren de introdu- cirse en las funciones del Institute. e) Determinara las bases gene- rales de las finanzas del Instituto y examinarA sus cuentas directa- mente o por medio de su repre- sentante o representantes. f) Promover la reuni6n de Con- ferencias Internacionales de ex- pertos, para el estudio de proble- mas de caracter tecnico de interes comun para los paises contratan- tes, y a este efecto, podra solicitar de los respectivos gobiernos el nombramiento de expertos que los representen en dichas Conferen- cias, que se reunirfn en los lugares y en las fechas que determine el Consejo. ARTICULO VIII Comite Ejecutivo 1. El Comit6 Ejecutivo estara integrado por cinco miembros propietarios, que deberan ser ciu- dadanos de distintos Estados par- ticipantes y que seran, preferente- mente, personas conocedoras del problema indigena o entendidas en materia de sociologfa. Cada uno de dichos cinco Estados, nom- brara un suplente que cubra las ausencias del propietario que le corresponde. 2. Los miembros propietarios serin electos por un periodo de cinco afios, arreglandose la elecci6n a modo de que la renovaci6n sea de dos quintas partes en una oca- si6n y de tres quintas partes en otra, para lo cual, los primeros miembros seran electos tres por d) It shall submit to the con- sideration of the member Govern- ments, through diplomatic chan- nels, any modifications it may be desired to introduce in the func- tions of the Institute. e) It shall determine the general financial basis of the Institute and audit its accounts, directly or through its representative or repre- sentatives. f) It shall promote the assem- bly of International Conferences of experts for the study of tech- nical problems of common interest to member States; to this end it may request of the respective Governments that they appoint experts to represent it at said Conferences, which shall meet at such places and dates as the Governing Board may determine. ARTICLE VIII Executive Committee 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of 5 regular members. They shall be citizens of different countries participat- ing and must be preferably persons well acquainted with the "Indian Problem" or well informed in sociological matters. Each one of the five states represented in the Executive Committee shall ap- point a substitute to act in the absence of the respective member. 2. Regular members shall be elected for a period of five years, and the election shall be so ar- ranged that their number shall be renewed to the extent of two fifths on one occasion, and three fifths on the succeeding one; to this end, of the first members so elected, Composition. Term of offoe. 1322