Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/248

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1328 Appointmentof per- sonnel. Fiscal management. Communications in name of Institute. Attendance at desig- nated meetings. a) Nombrar, con la aprobaci6n del Comit6 Ejecutivo al personal del Institute, procurando, en cuan- to sea posible, y en igualdad de competencia, que se distribuyan los cargos entre nacionales de los diversos paises contratantes; b) Administrar los fondos y bienes del Instituto y ejercer el presupuesto, con la limitaci6n de someter a la aprobaci6n del Pre- sidente del Comite Ejecutivo pre- viamente, las erogaciones especia- les mayores de ciento cincuenta d6lares y al Comit6 Ejecutivo las que pasen de trescientos. 3. El Director del Instituto podrA dirigirse directamente a los gobiernos y a las instituciones pdblicas o privadas, en represen- taci6n del Instituto, para dar cumplimiento a los acuerdos del Comit6 Ejecutivo y del Consejo Directivo. 4. El Director asistirf como consultor, a las sesiones del Con- sejo Directivo, de las comisiones designadas por el mismo, y de los Congresos Indigenistas Interame- ricanos, a efecto de dar las in- formaciones que fueren del caso. Ios gastos seran satisfechos con fondos del Instituto. ARTICULO X ARTICLE X Institutos Indigenistas Nacionales 1. Los paises contratantes or- ganizarin en la fecha que les parezca conveniente, dentro de sus respectivas jurisdicciones, un Instituto Indigenista Nacional, National Indian Institutes 1. The nations subscribing to this Convention shall, on such date as they may deem advisable, and within their respective juris- dictions, organize National Indian a) He shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, ap- point the personnel of the Insti- tute. He shall endeavor, in so far as possible, applicants being equally competent, to distribute positions among nationals of the various member States. b) To manage the funds and property of the Institute and to administer the budget, provided that any special expenditures in excess of 150 dollars, United States currency, be submitted to the Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee for prior approval, and those exceeding 300 dollars be submitted to the Executive Com- mittee. 3. The Director of the Institute may communicate directly with any Governments and public or private institutions, in the name of the Institute, for the execution of any orders issued by the Executive Committee and by the Governing Board. 4. The Director shall attend, as a Consultant, the meeting of the Governing Board, of the commit- tees appointed by the same and of the Inter-American Indian Con- ferences, for the purpose of fur- nishing the information that may be necessary. The expenses there- of shall be borne by the Institute. TREATIES [56 STAT.