Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/322

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1402 TREATIES Sale or exchange of capital assets. Students or business apprentices. Income of religious, scientific, etc., organi- zations. Rate of tax, limita- tion. Termination of des- ignated paragraphs. [56 STAT. ARTICLE VIII Gains derived in one of the contracting States from the sale or exchange of capital assets by a resident or a corporation or other entity of the other contracting State shall be exempt from taxation in the former State, provided such resident or corporation or other entity has no permanent establishment in the former State. ARTICLE IX Students or business apprentices from one of the contracting States residing in the other contracting State for purposes of study or for acquiring business experience shall not be taxable by the latter State in respect of remittances received by them from within the former State for the purposes of their maintenance or studies. ARTICLE X Income derived from sources within one of the contracting States by a religious, scientific, literary, educational, or charitable organiza- tion of the other contracting State shall be exempt from taxation in the State from which the income is derived if, within the meaning of the laws of both contracting States, such organization would have been exempt from income tax. ARTICLE XI 1. The rate of income tax imposed by one of the contracting States, in respect of income derived from sources therein, upon individuals residing in, or corporations organized under the laws of, the other contracting State, and not engaged in trade or business in the former State and having no office or place of business therein, shall not exceed 15 percent for each taxable year. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, income tax in excess of 5 percent shall not be imposed by one of the contracting States in respect of dividends paid by a subsidiary corpo- ration organized under the laws of such State, or of a political subdi- vision thereof, to a parent corporation organized under the laws of the other contracting State, or of a political subdivision thereof: Provided, however, That this paragraph shall not apply if the com- petent authority in the former State is satisfied that the corporate relationship between the two corporations has been arranged or is maintained primarily with the intention of taking advantage of this paragraph. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article XXII of this Con- vention, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, or both, of this Article, may be terminated without notice on or after the termination of the three-year period beginning with the effective date of this Convention by either of the contracting States imposing a rate of income tax in excess of the rate of 15 percent prescribed in paragraph 1 or in excess of the rate of 5 percent prescribed in paragraph 2.